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I got my stamping done at Tijuana. I will take this opportunity to thank everybody in this forum for the information they have provided.

My experience:

I had an appointment on May 18, 2006. I got my Banamex Receipt and had applied for Mexican permit with the assistance of Mexico Immigration Consultants (as they are the only one who provide assistance for Tijuana). It was denied, as there is change in the rules recently that people from India should get a Visa but not a permit. Since I heard the news 2 days before my appointment, I could not cancel or reschedule my appointment. I have decided to cross the border from San Diego without a Permit or Visa and was successful. An update provided by Mexico Assistance states that every person has to have a Mexican Visa if they have an appointment after June 20, 2006 (Please confirm it with the Mexican Consulate).

My case is F1-OPT-H1. I am working for a software company. I hold a Master in Industrial Engineering and Bachelors in Mechanical. My Company did a typo with my DOB and visa issue and expiry date on the petition I-797. I was worried about it and our attorney said they would give me a letter confirming my correct DOB (which they did not). My employer suggested telling the VO that it was a typo in case anybody questions about it. My Employment Verification Letter shows a salary stated in the I-129 and LCA. Actually, I get way more than that (Guys don’t worry if it is more. Worry only if it is less than what it is stated). Tell the VO that you got an incentive/or referral bonus if it’s more than the stated salary. My LCA got a different work location when my H1 was applied. I got it changed to my employer’s location few days before my appointment date (the employers or the company attorneys can change the LCA online anytime).

On the day of appointment:
I was able to find someone else through one of these forums who were going to Tijuana on the same day. Thanks to these forums. We drove to the border in their car and parked the car at one of the parking lots (Thanks to them for driving me to the border). The cost would be more if you park it at a place nearer to the border $9-10 per day. No body asked us while crossing through the revolving gate while entering Mexico.

I am skipping how to reach consulate and going directly to the VO questions.

ME: Hi, How u doing Maam?
VO: Good. What made you come here?
ME: I got to get my status changed from F1 to H1
VO: Be little louder.
ME: Repeated the same answer
VO: Give me ur Employment Letter
ME: Gave it
VO: Give me ur paystubs?
ME: The recent one maam?
VO: Yes
ME: Handed it to her?
VO: Which Company do u work for and what do u do?
ME: Gave the company name and gave my designation
VO: Please elaborate ur responsibilities
ME: Gave the answer. (While answering I mention client)
VO: Who are ur clients?
ME: Gave her the names and what kind of products they are.
VO: Looked at my application and asked u were a student before. What did u do Mastes or Bachelors?
ME: Masters In US
VO: What is ur major in Bachelor?
ME: Mechanical Engineering
VO: What is ur major in Masters?
ME: Industrial Engineering (I thought she would ask me what does a Mechanical or Industrial Engineer doing in Software. But, she did not ask me. My suggestion for those with different major, try to explain her that u r working on a software project related to ur field of study. Since u have experience in that they have hired u.)
VO: Returned my pay stub and started writing on a piece of paper.
ME: when I saw her writing $50, I was relaxed that I was issued the Visa.
VO: Pay the fees at the counter/gate. (The counter is on the other side of the building and we need to come out where the interview was conducted.)

I was very happy that it was not as difficult and no one asked me about my DOB error on my I-129.

At the border:

This is the worst part that I have experienced in the entire trip. Was in the queue for 1 hr and finally showed my passport and visa to the Immigration Officer (IO)

IO: Which country are you from?
ME: India
IO: Check my Visa and said u might need to get a new I-94 (He was not sure). He took me to his supervisor and explained my case.
SUPERVISOR: He said I needed a new I-94 and showed me the way where I got to go. They also gave me an orange slip on which I had check marks for Status and I-94 checkbox.

I was sent to another office. It was USCBP (United States Customs and Border Protection).

ME: Handed my Visa and Orange slip
OFFICER: Took and asked me what I was doing?
ME: Told him what I was doing and which company I work for
OFFICER: Saw my F1 and asked You are no more a student?
ME: No. Just got my stamping done in Tijuana and am returning to US
OFFICER: Give me ur previous I-20
ME: Gave him my I-20, OPT card.
OFFICER: Looked at them and said what were u doing after u graduated and before ur OPT started. (My school allowed us to take the 60 day grace period as soon as we graduated, but applied for OPT before I graduated. So, legally I was not out of status as I have requested for my extension of stay in US. We can use the grace period before starting or after completing the OPT)
ME: I told him that I applied for OPT and was not out of status and showed him I-797C which is the receipt notice for OPT from USCIS. (I took that with me. If u guys have it take it with u)
OFFICER: Collected all the documents and gone through all the documents and showed it to his supervisor. He said that some one would take care of me.
ME: I was waiting there for almost 30 mins then he called me back
OFFICER: asked me the same set of questions and gone through the document once again and took my finger-prints and photo and again asked me step aside.

They ran my History. My entire history was with them like my name, DOB, School I attended, starting and completion dates, Status change approval, address of India and other stuff. I could see them from the other side of the counter. So, be careful when u answer them. Do not give any false information. He finally, took out a sheet which was titled ‘Special Interest Country Worksheet’ took all my information and wrote it on the sheet. Then he took copies of all my documents.

OFFICER: He then asked me for my vehicle registration papers.
ME: I don’t have it with me now
OFFICER: u were driving the car without these documents
ME: I was walking not driving to crossing the border
OFFICER: Then why r u here? (That office was meant only for those who are crossing the border by car)
ME: Am at the wrong place?
OFFICE: no answer from him

They again took my fingerprints and photo and finally issued me a new I-94. The entire process took me 3 hrs. The officer was chatting with his colleagues, having food and was doing all other things other than my paperwork most of the time during my 3 hrs wait.

After getting my new I-94, I walked back into the US. So, guys don’t get frustrated even if u have to wait for a long time and also ask them if that is the correct place where u got to be. Finally, was back in US around 8:00 in the night.

Feel free to ask me any questions u have. I will reply as early as possible.

Thanks once again to everyone.
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