Thought this was neat to share it !


Registered Users (C)

I just went to this Website to see how popular my Name is and compared to someone Named Michael Smith, Jones or Johnson .. comon Name mine isn't that Comon in the US.
Only 221 other people have share my Name in the US.

I don't know how accurate this site is and if you look at it it says BETA so .. it is up to you to believe it or not ..

Ladybuggy !
Well... there's only 7 of me lol. If so, why is the name check taking so long haha!

Thanks for this site, it's interesting :)
Their database has to be wrong as it says there are 0 (zero) people in the US with my name. There has to be at least one and I have been living in the US for quite a few years now. And secondly, my name isn't that uncommon even though it is not one of the most common ones like Mike, Dave, Singh, Kumar, Jose, etc ;).
Yup, it says that there are 34 folks with my name, but 0 with my wife's name. I'm not sure how to break the news to her that she doesn't exist!
this is inaccurate.

I found 0 of my name on this web site. But if I google my name, there are 84 pages about my name! 95% of them are in USA!

I think name check is definitely related to how many people share the same name with you. My husband has a unique name in the world. That's why he has his name check completed very quickly.

N-400 mailed on 8/1/06
PD 8/3/06
RD 8/3/06
FP Notice 8/10/06
FP 8/18/06
IL ??

N-400 mailed on 8/1/06
PD 8/3/06
RD 8/3/06
FP Notice 8/10/06
FP 8/18/06
IL 9/8/06
IV 10/20/06
Oath ??
I think this website is not very accurate cause my name wasn't found at all. :) But when i tried the other one (i found somewhere here also) i was found. (but it was said that only I have this name in the entire US.
Well, my first name has about 11,999 hits while my last name has just over 2000 hits. By name combined has 0 hits! My middle name which I tried separately has 0 hits.

VSC Hartford DO:
FP: 09/05/2006
IL: Waiting
This website is dead wrong. It says there are zero people with my first name and 2,100 with my last name. Therefore, zero with that combination. When I googled my name and last name, I found three people in three different states.
As it says on the website itself, the available information is based on 1990 census data. Therefore, it is completely outdated and should not be taken seriously.