This posting is for Kralj1973 and evs

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Your case seems to be taking longer than expected. If I remember correctly you are EB3 other with ND 12/99.

When did you do your FP? Was it 09/200?
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No news yet. I will call them in a week, but till then I am just looking at all of the approvals going by for the last week. At least VSC is approving some cases. We can not be too far away. Have you called them again?
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I have done my Fp in September,
i have not called VSC again!!!!
There is no point to call them since they always tell you they are processsing october cases and it takes another 6 months.
i really dont know what is taking them so long to process my case.
oh well let us see what happens. i will keep you posted as soon as i hear something new.