This is the Bill, one should support to get GC faster


New Member
This is the Bill, one should support to get GC faster (Pay $500 more Get GC faster)

The pending two bills mostly talk about guest worker visa, and aminsty for illegal aliens. I got a response from congressman, as a reply for my request to support immigration reform. He does not like the Bush's proposal of guest worker program. It seems, he will not support the both the bills. The main focus of these two bills are illegal aliens and guest worker program. This may not get passed.

The problem in both the bills are the benefits for undocumented workers(illegals) is coupled with raising the EB visas. The raising the visa numbers is secondary issue.

Now, I found a new stuff going on about Senate Committee to Consider Immigration Relief Provisions. This will help certainly the retrogression. This will almost double the visa numbers as spouses and childen ane not counted in EB visa numbers.
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Great posting of this link. Thanks, vey encouraging. In May, I wrote one of the highest ranking democrats on the committe dealing with immigration (he himself a son of immigrants who fully understand our situation due to his own immigration background), a senator who is highly involved in the development and future of US immigration policies. I explained the situation of so many of us that we have lived in the US for years, have US born children, went to US colleges, and work on H-1b visa, and that we now pretty much are stuck in an endless process of retrogression and uncertainty. I received a long letter back from this highly respected Senator who is known for his integrity, and he personally committed and promised that people such as the ones in similar situations as my (as described above) will definitely be discussed in any new immigration bill and that any bill signed into law will include provisions that provide a fair path to green card for people like us, an equally fair path that is now being discussed as a part of the H-5 visa proposal. Based on the senator's response and his rank on the committee dealing with immigration, I am confident that there will be a huge immigration reform coming up and that people like us who are needed in the US to fill positions will have a much easier time to get our green cards in a much faster manner.
Agree with can_card

I completely agree with can_card. I already wrote a letter to my Senator regarding considering these immigration retrogression-relief options.
buzzhd said:
hearing will be on Oct. 18.

Assume, the immigration reform bill pass in congress and president sign it, When it can be implemented? Immidiately? or from next Federal Fiscal Year 2007?
Template for letter to in support of the new bill


You stated that you sent an email to your senator asking him to support measures to increase the GC numbers.
Could you please send a copy (or template) as a private email.
I would like send these letters to congressmen and senators for my area.

Wait a min. Read this excerpt:

...However, the bill would appear to preclude beneficiaries of previously approved I-140 petitions from benefiting from the opportunity of applying for adjustment of status under this provision....

:eek: :eek: :eek: WTF?????!!!!!!!! Why on earth approved I140 are excluded???????????? :mad: :mad: :mad: Someone needs to fix up these crack wh*res, NOW.
I sent the letter back in May and could not find a copy of it, but only the senator's respoonse letter. I think the content does not matter. Just write from your heart and explani your situation and agony/uncertainty and that the current process is a complete failure in addition to the proposal of H5 visa that grants illegals a path to gren card that is much smooother than legals currently now have to go through and that any new immigration bill must provide the proposed H5 provisions for H-1B workers as well and that retrogression is a huge problem that just keeps growing. Format doe not matter, but focus on your personal situation and that you feel trapped in uncertainty and agony due to the current system. Make it personal so the senator sees that there is a personal side of immigration, not just numbers. I brought up that I have US born kids that don't know if they can stay in the country they were born in and remain with their friends due to the endless immigration process with no certain outcome. Tell your persnoal story and make it known that we are not just retrogression numbers, but human beings.


Thanks for the tips. I will write to my senator/congresswoman: Pete Domineci (hope he can be of help as he is close to the white house) and Heather wilson.
Heather Wilson is easier to get hold of and she helps out usually.
