Please share this site with friends and family who are interested in securing equitable Familial Rights for American families. Please share information on this site with your elected officials to help effect change in the current Non-immigrant Visa policies towards family members of American Citizens.
The current U.S. immigration policy towards family members of U.S. Citizens in foreign countries is destructive to familial relationships. The current policies and procedures breed distrust and ill will towards Americans Citizens within their own family, and towards United States Government and its people. Treating American Citizen’s foreign family with dignity and respect will pave the way towards strengthening the common bonds American Citizens share with our families in countries all around the world.
In order to provide equitable familial rights to the families of established American Citizens married to Foreign Nationals we propose the following amendments to immigration law and policies:
Wheras, established American Citizens married to Foreign Nationals are denied equal familial rights by the United States Government by severely restricting the ability of family members located in most foreign countries visitation rights through current legal Non-immigrant Visa policies.
Any established American Citizen who’s family has been American Citizens for more than three generations will be provided the following foreign family visitation rights.
Provide immediate in-laws (Mother, Father, Sisters, Brothers, First Aunts, First Uncles and First Cousins),under current security restrictions, the right to a 5 year 30 day non-immigrant visitors visa.
The request must be first made by and applied for by the established American Citizen married to a Foreign National for two years or more.
After the request has been acknowledged by the foreign countries American Consular Service the immediate in-law will follow the established Visa application process in the foreign country.
The established American Citizens request will be added to the immediate in-laws Visa application.
The Visa security policies and procedures will be applied to the application but the applicant will not have to demonstrate their intent to return home.(The U.S. Citizen will be held legally and Financially liable if the person does not return home.)
What are your thoughts on this?
Please share this site with friends and family who are interested in securing equitable Familial Rights for American families. Please share information on this site with your elected officials to help effect change in the current Non-immigrant Visa policies towards family members of American Citizens.
The current U.S. immigration policy towards family members of U.S. Citizens in foreign countries is destructive to familial relationships. The current policies and procedures breed distrust and ill will towards Americans Citizens within their own family, and towards United States Government and its people. Treating American Citizen’s foreign family with dignity and respect will pave the way towards strengthening the common bonds American Citizens share with our families in countries all around the world.
In order to provide equitable familial rights to the families of established American Citizens married to Foreign Nationals we propose the following amendments to immigration law and policies:
Wheras, established American Citizens married to Foreign Nationals are denied equal familial rights by the United States Government by severely restricting the ability of family members located in most foreign countries visitation rights through current legal Non-immigrant Visa policies.
Any established American Citizen who’s family has been American Citizens for more than three generations will be provided the following foreign family visitation rights.
Provide immediate in-laws (Mother, Father, Sisters, Brothers, First Aunts, First Uncles and First Cousins),under current security restrictions, the right to a 5 year 30 day non-immigrant visitors visa.
The request must be first made by and applied for by the established American Citizen married to a Foreign National for two years or more.
After the request has been acknowledged by the foreign countries American Consular Service the immediate in-law will follow the established Visa application process in the foreign country.
The established American Citizens request will be added to the immediate in-laws Visa application.
The Visa security policies and procedures will be applied to the application but the applicant will not have to demonstrate their intent to return home.(The U.S. Citizen will be held legally and Financially liable if the person does not return home.)
What are your thoughts on this?