the NORI certificate: process at Indian Embassy, Washington DC


New Member
Dear All,
Thank you very much for this invaluable service !

After my Ph. D. in Chemistry, I am visiting UNC, NC, USA on a J-1 visa from June 2007 till Dec 2008. My project is getting extended for 2 more years. I started to look for the application/ forms to obtain the NORI certificate from Indian Embassy, Washington DC.

However, unlike other counsulates, there is only one misc. services form that I can get on the website .

It does not mention which other documents/ forms I need notarize to send alongwith it.

If anyone had completed this part of the process, I'd be grateful for their help in this regard. I attempted to call the embassy but none answered the call.

Thanking you in anticipation,
NORI deptt help

Dear All,
I need a small favour. I was a resident of Faridabad, Haryana before moving to USA on a J1visa. I am planning to apply for NORI to be submitted in 3 deptts in India.

1.Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs
2. Ministry of Human Resource Development, (Dept. of Higher Education)
3. Government of Haryana, Home Department.
Do you have any information about Government of Haryana, Home Department ,Faridabad or any help u can give wil be appreciated ..