The Mystery Halt of I-485


Registered Users (C)
I think we are all stun with this sudden "mystery" halt of 485 approval....and INS is not giving any "clear" answer for this...

After doing some researching (reading some postings here, browsing, murthy, immigration-information, etc...This is what I understand:

INS is upgrading/installing its computer systems so that it can get a definite answer/clearance from FBI on whether the applicant is in FBI's "watch" list.... There is no CIA clearance as some posts mentioned here...

Have anyone called up IIO lately to ask if INS has finished upgraded/installed the comptuer systems... Honestly, if INS want, I am sure most of us, if not all, will volunteer ourselves to implement/install/upgrade all computer systems for them (FOR FREE) if we can help them to streamline the workflow/process...

Suggested code sample:
if (application==485 && (today-RD) >=365) )
setActionOnApplication(485, APPROVAL_FLAG);

apologize4TakingSuchLongTime2Approve(EACNumber); //that will be a day!!!


They need some of you guys....

to do the software changes quickly. You are extremely well motivated and pros. Seriously, they should consider hiring people with H-1's INS will cut wait times in half.;)

I hope you did not write the code for INS. Your IF statement has got a bug ( more closing paranthesis than opening) and it will cause a compiler error. So, I think that is exactly what is happening to INS software upgrade. They are still trying to compile your code. :D -

BTW No offence. Just for humor.
Hmmmm!!!! This looks familiar :D

More like my style of writing code.
Guess I should have listened to my Computer Science instructor while in 11th grade in school.
After seeing my term paper, he told me that IBM would have to design an entirely new line of systems, assembly language et al to just decipher and run my code.
Maybe time to rethink a career change and be a true Malayali and start a tea shop in downtown Manhattan serving up those one meter Chai's on those cold miserable days of winter.
article on current backlog

Article on the about current security backlog... I really wonder how does president Bush's campaign promise of streamlining the immigration paperwork process to six months can ever come true. I will be happy if the damn 485 adjustment of status can be then in 200% of Bush's budget process time. i.e. 12 months. Most of us here have been waiting well over 1 year, AND (ENDLESSLY) WAITING...

I was one of those people waiting in line outside the 26 Federal Plaze under the freezing cold temperature. Got in line around 7:00am, finally got into the building about 9:30am. (You are talking about standing outside over 2 and half hours in a chill winter morning). Once you get into the building, it comes another 4 or 5 hours waiting inside the room....I am sure I am NOT the only one had such experience....

Fundamentally, I agree with all of those security checks (to assure a safer America), but I just do not think it should be done at our expense.

Obviously, there is nothing much we can do but just wait. I am just hoping someday this damn process will be, just like Presdent Bush's wish, STREAMLINED...

anyone has any ideas to make that "streamline" happen faster????
