The employer\'s letter for the Yellow form should contain the word "still intend to offer&a

c C

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My job is a full-time permanent offer. I had just asked my employer to provide another employment letter for the Yellow form. I read it just now and found that the letter only says that I "have been an employee of the company since...1999. She is a full time professional... working in ...department and her current salary is...annually." It doesn\'t say that it still intend to offer me the employment. Do I have to ask my employer to add the words "intend to offer?"

Some one said in earlier posting that one had to send a copy of I-94 card. Is it necessary since the yellow form only asks for employment authorization documents?

Thank you advance.
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Because you did not specify employment letter for GC purpose. What you got is a standard letter of employment used other than GC, e.g. applying for a loan, mortgage, leasing, etc.
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All that INS needs is an employment letter, and no one will be able to give you a letter which says that they still intend to offer you employment.

Moreover this is just a formality,and INS wants to see that you are still with the same employer. Also, the I-94 cards etc are not required, and INS does not need any history. Even if you dont send in the employment letter its fine, its not mandatory but just optional.
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The employer is required to give a letter saying that the job is still available and will be offered to you on receiving the GC. If they are worried about legal implications, they can stick in a caveat saying that the job will be provided subject to normal employment agreement which allows them to fire you. Don\'t send the letter that says that you are currently employed. The GC is for a future position, not a current one.