The employer\'s letter for the Yellow form should contain the word "still intend to offer&a

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My job is a full-time permanent offer. I had just asked my employer to provide another employment letter for the Yellow form. I read it just now and found that the letter only says that I "have been an employee of the company since...1999. She is a full time professional... working in ...department and her current salary is...annually." It doesn\'t say that it still intend to offer me the employment. Do I have to ask my employer to add the words "intend to offer?"

Other documents will go with the yellow form is my H1 approval notice (I only have one). Do I also have to send a copy of the working permit that I used for my practical training?

Thank you advance.
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I think you should ask your company to include those words. It would be nice if they can do that. In my case, my lawyer asked my company to say "XXX intends to continue employment with Mr.XXX after his green card approval" but company lawyer had a problem with that. After talking it over, she added sentence "At the current time" in front of the original sentence and everyone is happy now. Oh those lawyers!

Good luck