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The "Where does the data on Immigration Watch Come From?" question never does get an answer, despite claims that this question has been answered "many times." Read the exchange below, starting from the top.
The "Where does the data on Immigration Watch Come From?" question never does get an answer, despite claims that this question has been answered "many times." Read the exchange below, starting from the top.
Where Does This Data Come From?
Came upon this site today, and naturally, was delighted.
Where do you get this data from? Is there are public release of USCIS data somewhere?
Also, how about including information on visa categories? Both for received and approved applications? Do you have the data to do this? I ask because according to the June 2005 Ombudsmans report and the 2005 GAO report, USCIS is not able to provide figures on the breakdown of its backlog by even broad visa categories forget about subcategories within EB and FB.
Check out these threads
Hi berkeleybee,
Check out these threads for some details of how data is collected/verified.
Thanks, but still a little mystified
Thanks for the links. I really appreciate you taking the time to do this.
I read the second thread (see below) and but I'm still a little mystified: So a specific question. What is the definition of "data contributor"?
(a) Are "data contributors" NSC staff who are pulling data streams off from NSC computers or other places with access OR
(b) Individuals submitting their information? I ask this because you asked if you could become a "data contributor"? Do you work at an NSC?
"After consulting with our core team, I have a general picture here as to how Process Statistics is updated:
Web <=4= Provisioning Server <=3= Data repository server <=2= Database i <=1= Data contributor j
How it works?
-- Stage <=1=: Data contibutors (j=1,2,...,n) from different service centers update the corresponding databases (i=1,2,...m);
-- Stage <=2=: Data repository server (we have only one) serves as main storage for all case data which have been CROSS-EXAMINED or VERIFIED by at least two database from stage <=1=.
-- Stage <=3=: Provisioning Server periodically scan Data repository server for any newly updates. If find any, the server will digest the data with the builted in logic model and prepare the result for provisioning.
-- Stage <=4=: Web layer, specifically Processing Statistics here since Recent Approvals has its owner processing stages, pulls results from provisioning server whenever there is a request.
How often it works?
Stage <=4=: real-time
Stage <=3=: daily
Stage <=2=: delay till the data can be verified
Stage <=1=: delay till the contributors are happy to work
Where is the bottle-neck?
Stage <=2= and <=1=. If we have more contributors working on Stage <=1=, the Stage <=2= is not a problem any more. Actually the ultimate bottle-neck is the underlying stage:
Stage <=0= How often USCIS processes a cases.
Some Facts:
-- 1) If stage <=0= stalls, all channel is frozen no matter how hard contributors are working on satge <=1=
-- 2) It's impossible or impratical or irrealistic for all data contributors to work on the same time schedule. In that sence, at a specific time, the <=3= and <=4= bring only a portion of updates.
-- 3) If the Recent Approvals List got updated, this will force the Processing Statistics channel to go through all its stages. In that sence, all cases of certain type (e.g., I485 in TSC) are guaranteed to be updated to the date (every single case will be forced to be counted). So, fact 3) overrides fact 2) in this scenario.
Hope it helps,
Nope, I don't work at NSC. I am just another individual waiting for GC. I wanted to help web,aster provide frequent updates so inquired about becoming a Data Contributor.
Even now, I am not sure who becomes a data contributor and how
So basically we live in the dark..
So the real answer to all these data questions is: NOBODY but the Webmaster knows or will say. ;-) So the next time someone asks the real answer is not look in the archive but DON'T KNOW, WON'T KNOW. ;-) And that is the reason there is no FAQ explaining the data. Odd for a site that claims to exist in order to dispel confusion. ;-)
Thanks again, for taking the time to respond.