The Countdown Starts Now!!

The question is - among this list who are the lucky ones to escape the clutch of namecheck demon and received approval?
Let the show begin! Hee Hee!
any info on my pending i130 would be appreciated

whassup my fellow immigrants. hopefully some one can help me here. first of all the priority dates on the uscis website have not moved in a while:mad:
I have an i130 pending at the vermont service center. The current date for my catogary reads february 26th 2006.. My priority date is august 13th 2006. Any idea how much longer for approval. and also what is this june 1st thing every one is talking about. Am i right in thinking they might update priority dates. Thanx alot guys. good luck to each and every one of us....:)
Countdown ...

If there is one thing I have learnt over the years, its that one cannot be sure of anything until the physical card is in hand. Although I am pretty excited that my PD will be current this Friday I am not counting on a speedy approval. Lets see what happens ..
Sorry Buddys

I had been current for past 1 1/2 years but they had struck me in Namecheck although i have no association with crime at all.

Dont you realize that the current presidant Bush is driven by conservative christian idiology and cristian lobby will do whatever it takes to keep asian origin / non christian culture away from USA.

If you read proposed CIR which is backed by Bush , you will realize that In proposed CIR process, USCIS and NOT THE BUSINESSES decide whom to offer employment based green cards based on an untested point based system.

Because of solid Math /Science/Engineering background of students form Asia, these H1B visas and Green cards have been allocated mostly to Asian countries. May be this( National Origin) is what religious wing of Bush administration wants to control by making USCIS in charge of selecting Employment based green cards rather than giving it in the hands of Businesses/Employers . Note that under the proposed CIR process, USCIS will determine “Final List” of applicants that gets short listed for Employment based Green cards using point based system.
And as all of us know : Nobody can challenge / investigate USCIS data/processes.

The process of cutting down asian origin immigration has started 2 yeras ago. Thats why Bush replaced a Governer ( Tom Ridge) who was leading DHS by a circut court Judge ( Michel Chirtoff) . Thats why Bush repalced John Ashkroft by Alberto Gonsalez . All of his 2nd term picks are "B" grade. This helps Bush admin insiders to beat these governement agencies like their own drum.

Let your senator/congrassman know about this.
Ma Labor- The Countdown

Ma Labor

Hi - My Pd Is Exactly One Mth B4 Yours

If As You Say That Some Ppl Have Not Rec'd Luds After 2nd Fp ... It Can Mean Only Two Things
1) Case Is Preadjucated And Just Awaiting Visa Number
2) Case Has Not Been Touched The Wait Could Be Brazillions Of Ead Renewals Away

I Pray It Is The Former.

Also Most Transfered Cases Have Had No Interviews????? And Very Few Rfe's This Could Support Pre Adjucation Theory
I have a question, dont understand how the pd works
mine is Jan 2004. Just became current (row)
How long does it take to get i-485 approved?
any idea?

Most of the cases in the last stage of I-485 has not been updated at all. Though they have issued FP notices and people have given FP's. Recently I enquired about my FP gave on May 9th and the letter I received is your FP's are expired USCIS will issue notices for the new set of FP's. Such a crap they issues the notices and does not keep track of what is happening to that specific case.
the countdown begins


you are right there is no method at all to this seemingly complex madness.

I was purely basing it on a pattern i thought was emerging from the PDS and RFE'S

anyway , only God can help us, Lawmakers are not, they are just out to helping 12 million illegals, and making legal immigration impossible, thank you America,
Relax,Don't get too excited !!

Hey MA_Labor,

What countdown!! Don't create an env where new immigrants get all hyped up.

Although PD becoming current is a welcome sign,as Saras said until U get the GC in hand,nothing is automatic. If U have been around for a while,U would have realised this by now. Always analyse both sides.

How can one explain, people whose PD is pretty old and current and all their namechecks,background checks are completed but still languishing(even more than 6 months after PD became current),not knowing what is stopping them from getting their well deserved GC.

So the bottom line is,postings like "It is Show time" and "The countdown starts now" will only give false hope to a newcomer. Let us be realistic and be level-headed and not get too excited,given the way USCIS and its affliates function.

Hope for the best,but more importantly prepare for the worst !!

All the best to everyone !!

Lets be cautiously optimistic ..

Guys and Gals,

It is good to see a lot of optimism on this forum. After all, most of us have gone through 2 years of negativity. We have been fed "dooms day" scenarios and have been scared/bullied by self proclaimed pundits who saw it in their interest to exploit some of us in our most vunerable and emotionally fragile state. Now there is a ray of hope for atleast the next few months and I think its best to be cautiously optimistic.

The key is to hope for the best but be ready to face further delays. For those that do not see approvals even after becoming current there is atleast an opportunity to do something. We can approach Congressman, we can start inquiries, we can have some sort of positive impact on our case.

Heres wishing everyone good luck in the coming months. A majority of us will make it soon enough.


Hey Saras,

I know I am just confuse / frustrated trying to figure out what exactly is going on. I called USCIS few weeks back and got message that security checks are pending. took infopass and got to know that my name check is pending. got letter from uscis that case is pending because its out of processing date.

Today I called again to verify that my name check is pending or not and nice lady at NSC took 3 - 4 minutes and told me that my security checks are cleared. now what can i expect?
Hey Saras,

I know I am just confuse / frustrated trying to figure out what exactly is going on. I called USCIS few weeks back and got message that security checks are pending. took infopass and got to know that my name check is pending. got letter from uscis that case is pending because its out of processing date.

Today I called again to verify that my name check is pending or not and nice lady at NSC took 3 - 4 minutes and told me that my security checks are cleared. now what can i expect?

Did NSC tell you over the phone that name check is cleared. That would be interesting because I've never succeeded in getting any information out of them other than what is in the website. If I need more info they will just assign it as a Service Request and a letter will come after 30 days.
Get help from Congressman/Senator


Get help from yr attorney(if he/she is competent enough and not lazy),congressman,senator to find out if yr namecheck is done or not. They can find it out for you thru their liason.
The congressman/senator will send you a letter stating if yr namecheck is done or not and this will give you peace of mind and you can also use this letter to confront USCIS if need be.

Keep in mind,when U call the 800 number and all the various options(1-2-2-1 blah blah blah) that has been discussed in this forum, there is no surety the info the person gives is right. Most of the time they want you off their back for that time and so they will give all kinds of BS and the immi officers ,representatives whom you talk to are inept,ignorant,lazy arrogant and incompetent to name a few attributes.

Wish U all the best!! U'll get yr GC soon!!
yes the lady told me over the phone that my security checks are completed and everything looks good. does it mean that my name check is also cleared?
Thanks JMJ,

I contacted senator almost 45 days back but no reply from him. I contacted senator's office in between but same message that we didn't get any news from USCIS or FBI.

I know calling 1-800 number is just luck. Mostly we get standard answer that we don't have any information about this. However when I called today, I made clear to her that my intention is just to find out whether my security checks are pending or not. I don't want to know anything else like when it will be approved or anything. She asked is your date current to which i replied not yet but day after it will be current. So she asked me the receipt number and name . she took sometime and said sorry but its taking sometime to bring up the info. I said Take yuor time, i have plenty of time . :) I waited around 3 - 4 minutes and she finally said yes my security checks are clear. And thats it.

Now I really don't know whether security checks includes name check too?

I am not getting excited about this. I was so frustrated other day when i took infopass appointment. now i am just gonna leave it. let it come will call again in 2 weeks and see what they have to say , then if my name check is stuck then i will do whatever i can to get it clear.

couple of years back when i raised query when my dates were not current, i got letter from uscis that visa numbers are not available and your security checks are pending. This time i received letter which says visa numbers are not available. It will be approved only when visa numbers will be available. It doesn't say anything about security check.

I am getting all kind of answers so lets see what happenes in next few das.


Get help from yr attorney(if he/she is competent enough and not lazy),congressman,senator to find out if yr namecheck is done or not. They can find it out for you thru their liason.
The congressman/senator will send you a letter stating if yr namecheck is done or not and this will give you peace of mind and you can also use this letter to confront USCIS if need be.

Keep in mind,when U call the 800 number and all the various options(1-2-2-1 blah blah blah) that has been discussed in this forum, there is no surety the info the person gives is right. Most of the time they want you off their back for that time and so they will give all kinds of BS and the immi officers ,representatives whom you talk to are inept,ignorant,lazy arrogant and incompetent to name a few attributes.

Wish U all the best!! U'll get yr GC soon!!
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Hey MA_Labor,

What countdown!! Don't create an env where new immigrants get all hyped up.

Hey you,

who do you think you are? You are probably not worth my time but your tone ticked me off.

New immigrants? What are you talking about? Those effected by PD movement have been waiting for a long time.

What's your problem? Why can't you refrain from personal attacks? Don't mess with me buddy when I'm not talking to you.
Grow Up !!

Hey WhateverLabor,

Cool down dude. Stop posting yr spinned version of twisted,senseless facts. This is a "No Spin Zone" and I would vehemently oppose any senseless postings like yours. Why are U offended Buddy !! If you have the facts... lay it out.... or else U'll be ridiculed as a bufoon who keeps posting stuff like "It is showtime and Countdown blah blah blah..."

In one of yr earlier postings, U posted some buffonary and when people asked for the source,U went into hiding. Grow up Mr.Substitute Labor and get a life !!

Don't play with newbie immigrants emotions !!
Hey WhateverLabor,

Cool down dude. Stop posting yr spinned version of twisted,senseless facts. This is a "No Spin Zone" and I would vehemently oppose any senseless postings like yours. Why are U offended Buddy !! If you have the facts... lay it out.... or else U'll be ridiculed as a bufoon who keeps posting stuff like "It is showtime and Countdown blah blah blah..."

In one of yr earlier postings, U posted some buffonary and when people asked for the source,U went into hiding. Grow up Mr.Substitute Labor and get a life !!

Don't play with newbie immigrants emotions !!

Whoa! You get a life sucker. So you looked up my posts found out that I have substitute labor. And in your bird brain fathomed that you are better than me somehow. I know your likes and you don't even come close.

You know what, if you have so much free time, why don't you help with the PD tracker I started. There are many postings on the thread that need to be added. Here's the link...