Thanks God !!!!! Company Name Change Case Approved !!!!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi friends,
              Relief at atlast. My case was approved yesterday. Here are my details

PD 12/97 RD 8/99 ND 9/99 FP 9/00
Case on Hold from January because of Company Merger
Amended I - 140 file 06/06. Still rotting in the VSC mail room.
Infact yesterday I sent my papers for my third Advance Parole.
485 Approved 06/28

I will be posting further ! I hope we all similar cases get out of VSC\'s clutches soon.
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Hi GodgiveGC,
    Congrats!! Enjoy your life now.

    How did you come to know your approval? Through AVM or IIO?

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Hi godgivegc,

   Congratulations!! That sure gives more people hope. Could u pl post how you came to know of it...

u probably should change ur name to godgavegc ;)

Thanks in advance
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          This was through the AVM. My wife had been on phone three hours everyday from the past few days
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The company name was different on the I - 140 and the I - 485. Infact my wife also verified the AVM information with a "VERY GOOD"
lady IIO
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Thanks friends,
                      I am really enjoying hearing your congratulatory messages