Thank God for your MD Gift - 10/03/01


Registered Users (C)
Today is my Marriage Day.

As soon as I got up, I just prayed Sai Baba.. What gift you will give on my Marriage Day..

He answered.. GC approved for Self, Wife and Daughter per AVM and also website.

Thanks to you all for the support and Oxygen pumped.

Monday only applied for EAD renewal.

Thanks to Rajiv and Greaty K for giving us a platform to express our views.

Will update Rupnet too.

RD: 10/03/2001
ND: 11/21/2001
EAD: 12/04/2001
FP: 01/15/2002
Congrats SriSai

Wish you all the best.

I am sure this was the best Anniversary Gift you could Imagined.

I am glad that you have your approval.

But I find it funny that you are you crediting it to Afro Baba!

Whats Jigga man up to these days? Just chilling on his Silver Python bed? Or emulating David Copperfield and david blaine?
Congrats SriSai

Yet another reason to remember ur marraige anniversary !

All the best to you and ur family..

And patiencegc, he could be referring to Shridi Sai baba too.