Texas INS Sent RFE on 03/04/04


Registered Users (C)
Texas INS sent RFE on 03/04/04(On line Status update), but either me or the attorney haven't received it yet. Any info on this is appreciated
My details

Recipt date 7th July 2001
Notice date First week of August 2001
RFE is normally sent to the attorney. In my case, CIS used an invalid address and it was returned to CIS by USPS. Then they re-addressed it and mailed it to me. It took about 2 weeks from the original RFE date before I received it.
keep followup ur RFE................

I had very painfull experience when it lost........ took almost 3 month to get it......

if u don't get it withing 15-20 days...... don't hesitate to call....and ask attorney to send them written query about RFE....

Good Luck