Testimony in the Court against Employer for Backwages Please Help Urgently!!!


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I have made a complaint against my previous employer( for unpaid back wages,benefits etc.) with Labor department. Labor deparment gave a decision in my favor. Now my previous employer have filed a case against Labor department. I have to give my testimony in that case.

I have following questions in this regard:

1.Will it make a difference to the case if I attend or do not attend the
testmony. (will my and DOL's side will have positive impact if I attend the

2. What kind of Questions will be asked to me? Can I get a list of questions
generally asked in this type of case ?

3. Will there be any questions on my personal information?

4. If I feel that a question is on my personal information Can I opt not to
answer it?

Can you please reply urgently.
If you have been officially summoned to testify, you must appear or risk being fined or jailed for not appearing. You must answer questions put to you. You cannot refuse to answer questions except in very limited circumstances.
Thank you very much for your reply.

If any personal information questions like my current employment, place of residence, place of current project etc. (questions not related to the case) are asked, do I have to answer them?

Thanks in advance.
There should be a lawyer representing the labor dept. You should talk to him/her and discuss this. You can probably tell the lawyer that personal questions are not a part of the case and he shouldn't allow that.
Good luck.