target date for 2 yr old namechecks approaching


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

Per the USCIS Bulletin in april..their target date/milestone for completing cases pending namechecks for 2 years is next Thursday 07/31.

Please update if you hear about your namecheck..

for me (PD 04/07, FP - 05/07) the milestone is Nov 2008 so I do not expect anything till then.

Just last week, I was told that my case was stuck in name check. Yesterday, after I called the 1-800 number the IO told me that my case was placed in queue for the interview letter. I guess either USCIS or the FBI is trying to live up to their promise.
My NC just turned 2 years old on 7/20. I don't know how to interpret the press release. Does it mean:
- two year old NC as of the press release date? (in April)
- two year old NC for NCs 2 years old at beginning of July?
- any two year old NC at the end of July

Anwyay, I've received no indication that my NC is done yet. Hopefully soon. Depending on the definition of "two year old name check", it looks to me that they are not keeping pace with the goal.

2 year old by end of july 2008.
In other words, all name checks submitted before july 31, 2006 must be done on or before july 31, 2008
Not sure about this, but I think the count the date from when the USCIS sent it to them, and not your PD.

My NC just turned 2 years old on 7/20. I don't know how to interpret the press release. Does it mean:
- two year old NC as of the press release date? (in April)
- two year old NC for NCs 2 years old at beginning of July?
- any two year old NC at the end of July

Anwyay, I've received no indication that my NC is done yet. Hopefully soon. Depending on the definition of "two year old name check", it looks to me that they are not keeping pace with the goal.
