Talked to IIO. No FP Notices for May \'01 filers for 4 more months.

Venkat Kodi

Registered Users (C)
Yesterday, I have talked to IIO about FP Notice to find when will they start sending FP Notices for May-Sep 2001 filers, since mine is one year old case. It seems they are mainly concentrating to approve 2000 cases and they will not send FP Notices for May-Sep 2001 filers for 4 more months.
Unless, we unite together and focus the issues TSC Director the things will not be improved. If we can\'t do anything, just we have to express our fustration over this board. Isn\'t it?
It is PD or RD the date they are looking.

I have received my FP notice in 3 weeks after applying for 485. My PD. is 12/1999 and my RD. is 5/6/2002.

Are they considering PD or RD? or it 100% random.
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And what would be the point to make a fuss over it - all that means that you have to do it 2 or 3 more times at the rate they are processing - I much rather wait to get my FP notice and do it once. I\'m sick and tired of having to re-do EADs, FPs, APs because it takes YEARS to process an I-485. Besides it just causes more work and longer delays for everyone for them processing the same damn thing over and over again.
Just random

My PD is 5/98. I485 ND 8/01 ..still no FP. I don\'t think they give a damn about PD\'s.
Have you noticed there are approvals for FP done in 2002?

Even people waiting for less that 3-4 months?
VK99......what options have you considered?

Since your PD is 5/98 and still no FP, what options have you considered? If you filed through an attorney, maybe he/she could refer your case to a liason attorney who could take up the case with TSC. At least that\'s what my attorney told me.

The other option is your senator. But there again, I have heard it could backfire on you.

Its frustating alright when people with RD of 2002 get approvals, but hang in there man!
None taken!!!!

But remember I have an old timer. PD 12/99 My LC got stuck in SESA for 18 months.
I had the pain long before. I am just reaching the 485 but I have been dealing with DOL and INS for long time. I am close to my 6 years H1 2/2003.
What is National Scheduler ?

Does any body know what this National scheduler is ? Who operates it and where it is located? Is there any way to contact them and expediate our FP order? That organization is definitely not working properly so whom to complain about it.
If any body know somthing about above questions please write.
I talked to Texas officer on 20th June .This time I finished my call in 25 minutes only ( calling time morning 10.25) By mistake I choose spanish option and got message "currently we donot have any spanish speaking officers we transfer your call to English speaking officer"
For 8 minutes there was no sound at all and a lady officer came on the line. My query "Applied in july 2001 no Fp yet" answer " We ordered FP in last August didn\'t you receive it" I said no you must have issued notice not FP in August. Lady said please hold on let me go and ask somebody. I was put on hold for 5-6 minutes and later she came with the answer "FP\'s are scheduled by National scheduler and you need patience to get your turn, we have no control over it since they are outside agency. I replied since it is 1 year almost please issue me manual FP notice. She said we cannot do that only National scheduler can do that. I asked how you are issuing FP for 2002 filers?
answer " I have no idea about it" . Last question to lady "How much more time National scheduler will take to issue FP " Since you have almost completed 1 year wait for another 3 months."
So can anybody tell what is mystery about National Scheduler who contols our fate of GC not the Texas officers.
Thats so bad. That is what is exactly called a dead end. Nobody is accountable. Dont know what t

Finger Print Notice By National Scheduler

National Scheduler is a screwed-up system. Only TSC uses it but no other Service Center uses it and they do not have this problem.
  CSC says that if anyone did not receive FP Notice after 120 days of filing they could call CSC to get the FP Notice.
  May be TSC is unaware of this problem. I am not sure whether writing these letters will work or not. First of all, we have to grab the attention of TSC Director and explain the problems. I suspect that all our letters may not be reaching TSC Director. I ultimately suggest to have a peaceful protest in front of TSC building. We could draw the media attention also. If we can\'t do it just forget about and pray the GOD.
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In looking at the tracker (, there are a few FP notices issued in May and June. Peebee (ND 04/01) received the FP notice on 06/04. Also there are a few 04/02 and 05/02 filers have done FP in June. Don\'t understand the logic behind the national scheduler.
Listen further.............Today I heard Aug-2001 case approved . Why not us?

Today my friend told that one of her friend got approved in 2nd week of June.I have only detail is applied in August 2001 in Texas.when she called in 1st week of June she was given same old answer nothing done on you case.Next week she was shocked to see her approval in mail. What is a difference between those approved cases and our pending cases. This means the excuse of National scheduler is not true. Why certain cases are not assigned to National scheduler? This approved case is from NC. I will again call INS and ask clarification on this disparity. Please give call and tell about this problem let us see any officer is able to give us some logical answer .
FP enquiry for 2001 filers ...Read reply from IIO

As you all aware that a block of 2001 filers are not getting FP notices and I keep calling often to know the progress. Today I called and told about 2001 AUG approvals and 2002 FP's.
One good news is TSC has improved on phone system it took only 20 minutes time to finish the call.
When I mentioned other approvals and FP's officer got angry .
" I am not here to know your friends status. Do you have their notice number details. If at all some cases have been approved must be under "EMERGENCY SITUATION" ( that means all 2002 FP receivers and 2001 approvals are emergency cases) Your case will take 30 to 90 day time to get FP. If you get your friends notice Number and your friend on the line I would like to see what is going on.( does this mean that they are now aware about this). Donot just talk come with the proof. We are not giving notices to 2001 filers because we are still on 2000 cases.Thankyou for calling INS . She didnot even allow me to talk further.

So please tell me what you understand from this. EVery call makes us more frustrating. Can any body throw light on what she replied today. Please comment .