Talked to IIO again!! Today 10/22


Registered Users (C)
hey guys;
just talked to a polite lady IIO (2:25PM) and was told that my case is being reviewed, with an officer since early september. She said will print a screen shot of my case and will talk to her supervisor since my case is with the reviewer for so long to keep it moving.
Will wait again for 2 to 3 weeks. WOW, hope she's helping me on this time.

It's only a mtter of time, best of luck to all of us here!

Hurrah.!! All you guys out there.. whenever you call the VSC to talk to an IIO. Ask them if they will be completing ALL BACKLOG till Sept15 01.?

As most of us get an individual reply from IIOs that they are working to clear applications till sept 15th 01. So, this way we can atleast have some average reply from them, rather than all the permutations and combinations of replies.

What say? I know, it will be very difficult for us to get any proper answers from the IIOs. But, it's worth the efforts.


Nice ...

WOW! Sounds like the lady you were talking to was a proactive and empowered one.
Wonder if the reviewer will get busted or something :)
Good luck with your case!
Your case details matches with me

Your dates are matching with me.


Last time I talk to IIO on 10/18/02, he replied to me saying that your case is still pending and not assigned to an officer. Call back in two weeks to get more details.

Hope our cases get approved soon. Good luck to all of us.

Wondering if this IIO really helps me on my case, anyhow, my case is apporved. Good luck guys, you will be next.
