Talked to IIO about FP, Virginia. ( I am in Fairfax County)


Registered Users (C)
My RD 10/09, ND 11/23 no FP. I talked to IIO last week and I have been told that FP takes now adays upto 8-9 months so just WAIT.
If anyone has received FP, please post here.

Thanks a lot
Girish Rajput - y are right i dont either see many people from VA - ARL location

But i am sure that i know people who got FP notice upto RD October 19, SO i am think should not take long now ..any time we should be expecting the FP notice....according to my research i think FP notices are generated starting of the month .....all the people with RD of NOVEMBER ending should be getting the FP by MARCH 15 at the most.

Good luck
it is not just FairFax it entire VA State .

RD 9/21/01
Nd 11/15/01
Fp ? .

For FP will have to Go at Norfolk ASC.

keep it current guys ....we wan to get as much info as possible on FP..

Guys ..please keep this message on TOP ..atleast couple of time a DAY !!so that we can trap much info..
FP notice

mail_gary, i read one of your message in which you have mentioned that you know people with RD Oct. 19 and have got FP notice.. can you please pass the details.. my RD is 10/18 ( one day before what you have mentioned ) and have not heard anything yet re. FP. ND is 11/28. I even talked to IIO and was told that it might take upto 90 more days? can you please help?
No Title

  According to FP schedule, what I am thinking is, for dec files will have FP schedule might be anytime in the may and they get the notice anytime in the april, in ur case FP schedule might be anytime in the June and get the notice anytime in the may..

 Anyway this is Raj
rimas - there is one more old email chain for VA FP - check that out you will find

many people with your dates FP notice ..i updated that email chain to in the most resent postings - also please try to keep this email chain TOP !!!
No Title

Most Probably your FP will be done by Norfolk ASC.

Since they serve residents of southeastern Virginia including the cities and/or counties of Chesapeake, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Prince Edwards, Rockville, Williamsburg, Hampton Roads, Accomack, and Mecklenburg.

I am still waiting for my FP notice Rd 9/21/01 ND 11/15/01 .

hope this helps ..
