Talked to IIO 8/27


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

I just spoke to a lady IIO.

Q : Asked about Status, gave A#?
IIO : Case pending.
[Earlier I called was approx one month ago. Still same status. ]

Q : Is "Case Pending" means "Assigned to an Officer" ?
IIO : Can\'t give you that information.

Q : I asked if they have all info they needs?
IIO : Yes.

Q : When can I expect decision?
IIO : Give few more will get notified in mail.

I will call again after 3-4 weeks, and wait continues...........
No Title

Why diff IIO gives diff answers? I saw a posting by I think
aGCSeeker that "Pending" means "Assigned to Officer"..

I think according to my talk with IIO, it smelled as it is
assigned to Officer, but she wouldn\'t confess that.

Anyway lets hope for the best. Just to let u know about my
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Also, one IIO did not let me check status of my spouse\'s application while another one did.
waiting in the same boat


i guess the time will come soon when our approvals will be on this board. Pending means \'assigned to officer\' or \'under review\' is what i got from the iio i talked to. i was told i might expect a decision in 30 days.(guess that\'s a standard answer).

anyways, wish all the waiters a speedy approval.

Part time work under EAD


  I have received EAD. Can I work parttime under another employer. How many hours can I work in a week ? Can that employer dedudct the
tax for that part of income.

 Any reply will be highly appreciated.


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You should be able to work part-time for any number of hours and your taxes deducted by another employer.