Talked to an IIO this morning


New Member
NSC EB-2 PD 06/00
RD 09/15/00
ND 10/06/00
FP 02/27/00
Talked to an IIO this morning and got the info that my file have NOT assigned to any offices yet.
She said no way to push the case, since she is not allowed to do that.
She said she has no answer to me when this will be taken... so forth...
EAD expires this year end, Law firm want to start processing the renewal process.
The recorded message says that if your case has taken longer than normal bal bal bla... speak to IIO. But the IIO says she doesn\'t have an answer... Frustrating....
I got exact same answer !

She told me that my case is in pending and not assigned to an officer
LIN# ????


Your LIN# LIN-01-004-XXXX ??? not LIN-00-004-XXXX .. I thought two digits after LIN represent Year the LIN generated... I may be wrong..