Talk to IIO again this morning


Registered Users (C)
After seen so many approvals on this board, I can\'t help call INS again this morning, surprisingly I got connected at the first time try. After waited about 20 minutes, a lady told me that
"looks like your fingerprint is all set and your case is just waiting for decision",
"does that mean my case is under review?",
"I would say it\'s still pending but you should hear something in three months",
"should I check after three months?"
"it probably will be sooner",
"oh, realy?! maybe in couple of days?"
"I would say within 30 to 90 days"

Here is my details: VSC, EB2, Rd 5/99, ND 6/99, FD 4/00
No Title

My ND and RD id 05/99 and I called IIO this morning and she told me I will hear something within 4 weeks.

I do not know what to believe. Pathetic life dealing with this INS Crap. Sometimes I feel that why in the hell I am so desperate with this Gc bull shit.

Wish I will be in coma rather than surfing this board once in a hour looking for some miracle to happen.