Taking kids to interview


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Are we allowed to take kids under age of 5 along with you for the interview? Experts, your inputs are appreciated!

At least in San Jose you can take kids to the waiting room. I am not sure if they can be taken with you to the interview with the IO, but I kind of doubt it. In my humble opinion, why would someone like to put the kids through an experience that at least is a bit stressful and have an element that can make the interview more challenging? Perhaps you can bring someone along who takes care of the kids in the waiting room while you are getting interviewed. This question has been asked a couple of times in the past few days. I'd wish someone with actual experience of having gone with kids into the interview room could share the experience, or perhaps if this is absolutely not possible to say how and why the kids were denied entry to the interview room.

In general, I think it is good to apply common sense to this situation. Would you take your kids to a job interview? :)
Excellent argument

At least in San Jose you can take kids to the waiting room. I am not sure if they can be taken with you to the interview with the IO, but I kind of doubt it. In my humble opinion, why would someone like to put the kids through an experience that at least is a bit stressful and have an element that can make the interview more challenging? Perhaps you can bring someone along who takes care of the kids in the waiting room while you are getting interviewed. This question has been asked a couple of times in the past few days. I'd wish someone with actual experience of having gone with kids into the interview room could share the experience, or perhaps if this is absolutely not possible to say how and why the kids were denied entry to the interview room.

In general, I think it is good to apply common sense to this situation. Would you take your kids to a job interview? :)

I loved the way you quoted this example of somebody taking kids to a job inteview.

The point is, when you appear in front of the interview officer, you need to be relaxed and I am sure you don't want to stress him out too that you drive him/her to a point where he/she gets an excuse that she is not ready to make a decision on your case. That's all there is to it.