Supporting materials: thesis, grant report?


Registered Users (C)

My attorney ask me to include my Ph.D. Thesis and the progress reports (the more the better?), did you include these materials?

And please tell me how to find how many libraries subscribe a journal.

thank you !!!

Not thesis or progress reports

This is trivial material, which will just dilute your case. Theses and progress reports are ordinary aspects of doctoral studies. The object of NIW and EA petitions is to set you and your work apart from everyone else('s).

Stick to papers published in peer-reviewed journals and citations to your work.
jcsd said:

My attorney ask me to include my Ph.D. Thesis and the progress reports (the more the better?), did you include these materials?

And please tell me how to find how many libraries subscribe a journal.

thank you !!!


I wouldn't include it since they have no impact on your petition but might hurt you.
The problem with journal subscription (I had to find the same numbers for my RFE) that today most journals are online and such subscription are not covered by any service. We contacted every journal and tried to get number for regular and online subscription, some of them are willing to help some not. There is also a library online service whioch covers how many libraries have regular subscription of each journal, but I forgot the name.