Support Senator Obama's Bill On Limiting FBI's Name Check


Registered Users (C)
Dear All:

Whether your citizenship/I485 has finally been approved, your case is
pending or you are getting started, you know the need for reform in
the stalling process that can take for years. Many of you are already
aware of the "Citizenship Promotion Act" introduced by Senator Obama
on March 7, 07. This bill limits the increase in the immigration fees,
but most importantly delineates time frames for FBI name check, which
has a backlog of 300,000 and are reviewing cases "manually". We have
started a petition in support of the bill. Please be informed that the
bill also supports applicants of permanent residency in their name
check process as well. WE ALL NEED TO SIGN IT AND ALSO PASS IT ON TO


This is very good.
That is exactly what we need. A law-maker to put some pressure to get this job done.

Can this thread be a "Sticky threat"?
When will the bill be passed?

Hi, All,

I read an article somewhere saying the bill will be discussed in mid of Apirl.... I am not sure when we can see the good change if the bill IS passed and Mr President does not use his veto right.

I have already posted the message on several different websites, the petition name list is increasing, I hope others can do the same.

I hope we can do whatever we can to improve the Naturalization process even it is only 1% of chance!


This is very good.
That is exactly what we need. A law-maker to put some pressure to get this job done.

Can this thread be a "Sticky threat"?

Sorry, but I see this as a political move by an aspiring president to gain the support of the 'immigrant community'.
It is easy to say things need to be done, but it is much more difficult to figure out how!
Good work is expensive, so limiting fee increase is hardly something that makes things run smoother and faster,
Today when terrorist are ready to strike at any time, it is difficult to justify anything that makes security more lax. If the records are not computerized it is hard to see how the search can be faster. Unless, there are more people doing it ... that leads us back to the money.
1. You are right he is targeting market segments for vote banks. Does that itself mean that people who will benefit from it not support it?

2. Do you know the fee increases that USCIS is proposing. Go figure why a driving license can be done in less than $80 but a naturalization application will require $600 in the future? Private sector can do it for less than a third at the very least. Throwing more money will not improve a broken down system.

3. If you are worried about terrorists then you should be screaming at getting FBI checks done faster not slower. If some one is stuck on name check for several years he has the freedom and time to carry out his/her evil deeds. The 9/11 terrorists all came in legally. So we could have terrorists come here and apply for refugee status and be stuck here in name check quagmire and give them enough time to carry out their plot. It is just unacceptable to have some one's name check to be delayed endlessly if that person is a threat to the US. It should be determined expeditously if there is a "hit" on name check. If resources need to be put there then it is necessary to do so. We throw billions in Iraq each month, a couple of millions should provide FBI with enough analysts to do their job. So in short I am for not having a "lax security" as you put it by having undesirable people living here amongst us endlessly. Putting more resources "money" to enable FBI do their job is worthwhile. Not more money in USCIS.

Sorry, but I see this as a political move by an aspiring president to gain the support of the 'immigrant community'.
It is easy to say things need to be done, but it is much more difficult to figure out how!
Good work is expensive, so limiting fee increase is hardly something that makes things run smoother and faster,
Today when terrorist are ready to strike at any time, it is difficult to justify anything that makes security more lax. If the records are not computerized it is hard to see how the search can be faster. Unless, there are more people doing it ... that leads us back to the money.
obama's bill

While it is nice to see the NNCP name check fiasco get some attention in my opinion Obama's bill would do little to ease the situation.
1 DHS must submit an anual report to congress on the average time to complete background check. This average will not highlight those cases where ther is a significant or even permanent delay!
2. DHS must give a reason why the background check is not completed.
I'm sure they would be glad to give you two reasons. They don't have enough people to meet the workload. Your background check is not complete because it is PENDING!

What we need is a bill with teeth; one that would place a definate time limit on the FBI background checks. How about if 6 months after your application if your background check has not been completed it would be assumed that the FBI has no derogatory information and your interview would be scheduled for no more than 60 days later!
The problem with the current system is that the FBI can conduct an open ended investigation with no time limit and never an approval.

O'bama's bill does nothing to address the FBI background check with no time limit which is the problem!
We got nothing to loose

While it is nice to see the NNCP name check fiasco get some attention in my opinion Obama's bill would do little to ease the situation.
1 DHS must submit an anual report to congress on the average time to complete background check. This average will not highlight those cases where ther is a significant or even permanent delay!
2. DHS must give a reason why the background check is not completed.
I'm sure they would be glad to give you two reasons. They don't have enough people to meet the workload. Your background check is not complete because it is PENDING!

What we need is a bill with teeth; one that would place a definate time limit on the FBI background checks. How about if 6 months after your application if your background check has not been completed it would be assumed that the FBI has no derogatory information and your interview would be scheduled for no more than 60 days later!
The problem with the current system is that the FBI can conduct an open ended investigation with no time limit and never an approval.

O'bama's bill does nothing to address the FBI background check with no time limit which is the problem!

I am happy all the letters to senators and congressmen are having some results. FBI name check is not something that can be solved overnight. To many things involved.
That being said, Senator Obama's bill shows that Democrats are willing to remove this obstacle in front of us OR THEY HAVE HEARD THE MISERY THIS NAME CHECK PROCESS HAVE CAUSED.

I would like to see everybody sign this petition, since we ain't got nothing to loose.

generally would require the FBI to complete background checks within
90 days, and impose documentation and Congressional reporting requirements
on the FBI if background check delays for specific applicants extend beyond
that period.
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We all will be citizens one day and we should never forget our "Name check experience" masterminded by Republican Government. Never vote for them.
Did you read the bill before arriving at your conclusion?

Well, did you take the time to read beyond the title of the bill?

Here is a summary for you:


Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to revise provisions respecting: (1) immigration service fees; and (2) naturalization testing.


Requires: (1) a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study and report on naturalization background checks; and (2) the Attorney General to make reasonable efforts to complete background checks of applicants for temporary or permanent residence or citizenship within 90 days.

Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a national citizenship promotion program to assist lawful permanent resident aliens become citizens.

this is no use for I-485 it is all about citizenship and vote ...

for us it helps nothing... phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:mad:
Let's not be cynical. Let's support this bill for future applicants, even if not for ourselves.

BUT ..... online petitions are generally useless and can be used to extract lists of "live" emails etc.

Better .... find out the names of your Senators and Congressmen/women and either write or email them directly, asking for their support. Make sure you keep your notes simple, short, objective and polite. Ranting and raving about the USCIS would only make us look like screwballs, which we are not !!!!!!
It is interesting to see names who signed. Here's a quote from the answer of my senator to my enquiry: "... Certain names, age ranges, nationalities or occupations may require a variety of checks with United States intelligence and security agencies ....". "USCIS initiates the process using classified guidelines established by the United States Government."

What I see is that vast majority of names are either Chinese of Indian. ex-USSR hold stable third place, followed by middle easterns. I saw few Russian names that never in a world could be common. How come they stack? I filed my N400 together with 7 or more Polish families where at least one member works with me for the same company. Guess what .... they all passed withing 6 month. Half of them have common Polish names.

I don't believe that online petition could help in our problem but it's kind of social study that shows real numbers "who and we can guess why". Just go through the names and compare with the answer by my senator.

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Very interesting name list. I was very surprised at the miniscule number of Arab/Muslim names. All this time, it appeared on this board that FBI name check was mainly a muslim problem. Either this group of people are not adding their names to the petition, or it is a case of squeaky wheels asking for more oil. Another surprise was the large number of Chinese names. Indians seem to be well represented but very few had any details of the delay or case number, and so it made me wonder if this sub group are stuck in name check or are just being politically active. I did not see many Hispanic or African names there, or for that matter any Anglo names.

In summary Chinese are at the top of the waiting list, followed by Indians, Russians and then some Muslims/Arabs. When the illegals are made legal, maybe the hispanics will form the bulk of a future peitition.
Sorry for the misjudgement...thanks for correcting me..

Well, did you take the time to read beyond the title of the bill?

Here is a summary for you:


Citizenship Promotion Act of 2007 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to revise provisions respecting: (1) immigration service fees; and (2) naturalization testing.


Requires: (1) a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study and report on naturalization background checks; and (2) the Attorney General to make reasonable efforts to complete background checks of applicants for temporary or permanent residence or citizenship within 90 days.

Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a national citizenship promotion program to assist lawful permanent resident aliens become citizens.

Sorry for the misjudgement...thanks for correcting me..