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Now we seem like a herd of silent lambs whose appeals and complaints TSC has never been respecting or caring. Contacting senators or congressmen? TSC officials hate to be urged ( Complaining within this forum? TSC doesn’t care. Keep silent? We will face longer processing time. It is 990-999 days now. Later, it maybe becomes 1400-1500 days. Who knows? What can we do? I think the best way is to sue TSC collectively because TSC non-efficient work has negatively affected our life (Taking time to think about negative effects). Is there anyone who can organize the action?

I read a post in this forum that someone had asked Rajiv if TSC can be sued. Rajiv Khanna mentioned that TSC cannot be sued. The only reason that they can be sued is if the processing time has passed and TSC has not responded for your queries or these delays cause extreme hardship (like not being able to get Drivers license to drive, work etc.) The only recourse we have at this point is to keep pressurizing the politicians/media awareness on this issue. And of course if everyone in these groups collectively start helping Democrats (by doing some volunteer work for the campaign) then atleast (of course the media has to pump it up saying that these folks are working to be freed from the immigration delays) we have a chance. Like you said by sitting quiet we are not going to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I was having the exact same thought an hour ago. I am very frustrated about TSC. I am worry about what if BCIS did something negative to your case.
Isn't this valid information to sue

It was mentioned in many of the receipt notices that the projected time was between 365-420 days.

The actual time is steadily increasing and it is almost three fold. The lame execues like extra FBI check every 90 days, water is colorless, sky is blue, hurricane in TX and others won't make the delays like this.

This case is highly presentable as i think. What do you all think? People who is in contact with Rajiv or moorthy can take intiative woule bring some light in the higher officials who forgot to process 485 cases.

Yes we failed in many actions we took before. Even though it did not bring the results, it must have reached some responsible folks. May be that is not enough. It has to be well heard. But the pity thing is seeking justice from the justise dept is a bit difficult...

Any volunteers........

May be all of us should literally go to the Texas service center at mesquite,Dallas and protest in front of the office. I am really frustrated. I am willing to do anything to get the dates moving.

Probably that might work. There are a few folks with K-1 visas that do this regularly and I saw a posting in this forum referring to the website where they organize this and go in front of TSC. For some people this protest seems to have worked. May be it is high time that all of us folks did the same as well.
I am willing

i am willing to do whatever it takes to get TCS work faster. even if I have to go to Mesquite or Timbaktu or whereever..........
I fully agree with all those peopel who shared their views, concerns and frustrations. One thing that I fail to understand here is, how come there is such a discrimination between the Service Centers. What I am trying to say is, how come VSC and NSC can process much faster than TSC. If we request AILA ( I am sure Rajiv and Murthy are members of AILA) can pressure the BCIS to share the work load among all service centers to bring up uniformaly the processing times across the nation to the same level, then we can see much improvement in the processing times. We really need to do smething or else the TSC may just change the processing times to 12345678 - 123456789 days. God help TSC!!


Until the republican government changes to Democratic, there will be no improvement in the immigration benefits in texas . B'cos this texan government officals are totally anti immigrantion supporters and they hate immigrants. Long time back it was heard and read in several places that the immigration community is going to be suffer if republican forms a government, that is what exactly happening here.

It looks like TSC is purposely stopping the 485 approvals, it has nothing to do with lack of resources or financial dificulties. For some reason they are stopping but nobody in the world knows what is the real reason behind it.

Don't worry guys worst come worst case we all have go back to our home countries that's all and this is not a life and death problem. So, have fun with your family and enjoy your weekend!!
Good post EDW2002

Yeah hell with GC... lets have fun as long as they allow as to stay here.