Suddenly ... New members registering


Registered Users (C)
All along I used to think that Dec 2001 had a fewer number of applications when compared to the earlier months but with Dec cases being picked up, a lot of new members seem to be registering on rupnet. From the once modest 250 dec applicants, now there are about 312 ( this change probably happened in the last 10 days ). Now I feel that as time and frustration progresses, this number could soon hit 400. Jan 2002 also has picked up in recent days.
Very interesting observation. I had made the same observation in recent months and had thought that users who had registered may have forgotten password, etc and changed email or did not actually register spouses, etc.

Can anyone who has registered on Rupnet only when they got approved post here... It would be one more sign that we are looking to cling to any hopes and that we should temper our expectations.

My case.....
RD : 01/04/02
ND : 01/15/02
FP : 08/16/02
EAC: 02-086-xxxxx

I can not wait to get approved!!!!
What diff will it make

What difference will it make by the number of those registering with Rupnet. The number registered with BCIS remains the same though right.
You should think the awareness about rupnet is going up which is good as you get a better picture of whats going on. More registerations means more will be reporting about their experiences and that is better.
Same thing I observed during the start of Set & Oct proceesing time last year.
People start registring at last time .... anyway... that is fine !!!!

I have been seeing this too - I used to think that Jan and Feb applicants combined might be less than Nov, and hence might be done faster. But I don't think its the case - I think as the dates get closer, more people register......

Oh well - add another month in my mind to the approval date!
New green card prediction is the key

I have been watching rupnet and see the tremendous amount of growth in no of filers This is normal This happens in every month but this month is much more high becuase of the new feature which I found the green card prediction needs a user ID.So people want to see the green card prediction(horoscope).That makes a fast and steep growth in no of filers in Rupnet. But I am not sure whether Dec filers are less compare to NOV or OCT?....
I have started observing this trend.. and started collecting some data just out of statistical curiosity :D:D

May not be much value.. but ...

Here it is; I collected for past 2 months.. at some irregular intervals