Successfull Interview Experience at Newark DO - 07/18/2005


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Just wanted to share my interview experience with you.

Went with the regular documents. Did not declare traffic tickets (blocked view, 1 parking ticked but the driving record was clean) on N-400 (did not know I need to at the time of filing), and applied based on calender months(3 mths prior) - later discovered this was a day earlier than the 90 day (due to the 31 days for a few months). Also, switched jobs 5 1/2 months after gc (employment based)

Was quite worried that they may catch any of the above issues ....

Studied all the 100 questions and all the civic documents on the USCIS website many many times.

Interview was for 11:00 am.

Went to the Parking lot adjacent to the Federal Rodino Building ($12 a day).
I was dressed in a suit and walked into the 15th floor at around 10:45. Dropped the letter on the tray at Window 13 (No line at all). A number of people were already seated. Also I had not traveled out at all in the last 5 yrs.

I was suprised to see I got called at 11:00 am sharp even though all the other people seemed to have arrived before me (and most of them were waiting to be called .. i don't know how they schedule these things).

Anyways, there were 2 doors (door 1 and door 2). My interviewer called me to door 2. I went through and he led me through a corridor to a great looking office (very comfortable and nice). Anyways, he started off with saying that I should not put anything on his desk ( I guess he saw the bag I was carrying).
I carried tax records for 5yrs, utility bills for last 5 yrs, gc, selective service registration, passports (all), drivers license, marriage certificate, interview letter.

He started by asking if I will say only the truth. I said yes. He was very stern and never broke a smile. Always reminding me that just answer what he asked .. nothing else.

He proceeded to ask me if the names on my N-400 were the only names I had ever used. I told him that there was a name that was on my passport and birth cert that belongs to my family which I do not use. He grumbled and said I should have put it. My heart was beating now fast since I thought this would mean he would do another name check :((. Oh noooo!!

Proceeded to ask a few questions like name, dob, marital status e.t.c, then asked pleasantly if i had done my duty and voted. I said no .. i was not a citizen and I cannot vote. He smiled and said good. Huh..

Then he started shooting off questions on history (all from the 100 questions). Very simple and a breeze. He read it out from his computer. I got all of them right, he printed it and got me to sign it. Got me to write a sentence (today is a sunny day).. so much for my masters degree; how do they think we got it?.

Then, he proceed to go through the questions at the end of n-400. Only asked me about arrests .. none ;

then he said my photograph was probably too small, I said I have another set with me ; then he retracted it after checking on a voided nat certificate.

Then he got me to sign full name, and gave me the oath notice for 11:30pm.
He did not question employment; dates; traffic, taxes ... nothing. Did not have to show anything at all other than what was listed on interview letter.

Whole interview lasted 15 mts.

I went out for some air .. what a relief .. Had a bite to eat ...

Came back at 11:30am. People were still getting interviewed

At 1:00pm they got me to check the certificate to see if everything was correct. Kept the GC.

At 2:30pm we had the oath .. nice ceromony (63 ppl). - oath, msg from George, tunes and a hand out of the certificates. Very moving ceromony and I had flashbacks of the torture of all the immigration process .. some tears came to my eyes. Finally the person conducting the oath said that our journey with immigration was over.

After this .. went to shop and got about 10 copies of nat certificate and filed for the passport. 2 extra photos, orig nat certificate and driv license. expedite processing with express mail both ways. Just did not want to part with both the nat certificate and passport for too long even though i was not planning on going anywhere soon. also did not want to risk losing it and having to go back to immigration to get it replaced. total cost $185. I did not trust govt. employees with my latest immig. document for too long.

Came home a citizen...

Oh.. I sent an fbi name check request about a mth ago, never got a response. so much for that ... thank God it had cleared. Also never called to check fingerprints and did not do FOIPA or any such thing,,


manojimm said:
After this .. went to shop and got about 10 copies of nat certificate and filed for the passport. 2 extra photos, orig nat certificate and driv license. expedite processing with express mail both ways. Just did not want to part with both the nat certificate and passport for too long even though i was not planning on going anywhere soon. also did not want to risk losing it and having to go back to immigration to get it replaced. total cost $185. I did not trust govt. employees with my latest immig. document for too long.


Just to mention one thing that it is unlawful to make photocopies of the "nat certificate". Some people say that you should have only one copy for your record. Shred 9 copies and keep one. Rest is up 2 u.
Good luck and congratulations again!
Congratulations, Manoj!!
I've been waiting since y'day to see your post on your interview experience. Thanks for the detailed update.
You had me laughing at this.. You should try your hand at creative writing :)

manojimm said:
At 2:30pm we had the oath .. nice ceromony (63 ppl). - oath, msg from George, tunes and a hand out of the certificates. Very moving ceromony and I had flashbacks of the torture of all the immigration process .. some tears came to my eyes. Finally the person conducting the oath said that our journey with immigration was over.

Is the Federal Rodino building same as the one that you went for FP? Is this in Newark around where the train station is?
Did they give you your GC back?

Congrats, once again.

1)Newark District Officer during naturalization (oath) said that the law has changed, and black and white copies can be made of the nat. certificate.

2)No Federal Rodino Building is different from the ASC for finger print. It is in the vicinity though. I know there is a PATH train station in the area, but I am not sure how close it is to the place since I drove.

Regards and Best of Luck with Naturalization :)

jenimmi said:
Congratulations, Manoj!!
I've been waiting since y'day to see your post on your interview experience. Thanks for the detailed update.
You had me laughing at this.. You should try your hand at creative writing :)

Is the Federal Rodino building same as the one that you went for FP? Is this in Newark around where the train station is?
Did they give you your GC back?

Congrats, once again.

You have to surrender your GC before you get your naturalization certificate.
hm11 said:
Just to mention one thing that it is unlawful to make photocopies of the "nat certificate".

Making a photocopy of Naturalization Certificate used to be against the law before 1999, but it has all changed since then. Now, it is perfectly legal to make a copy of Naturalization Certificate even though there is a remark on N. Certificate stating that it is illegal to make a photocopy of it. Just disregard that remark as USCIS did not change it previous version.

USCIS has changed it along with other requirements like before people needed to submit CERTIFIED copy of each document with their application, but since 1999-people don't need to send certified copy anymore. Instead just photocopy of it would be sufficient. However, USCIS might ask to see the original one during the interivew.
For those who live in the jurisdiction of Newark USCIS office, Fingerprinting is usually done in Application Support Center located in Commerce Street in Newark in NJ. It is very close to Path train. A walking distance. Only 2-3 blocks, but long ones though.

Interviews and other immigration stuffs are done in Newark USCIS office located on Broad St being in Peter Rodino Building. It is also a walking distance. 4-5 long blocks from Path. Taxi would charge only $4-5 dollars from Train Station if someone chooses to take a taxi.

USCIS office in Newark and ASC are two different offices, but very close to each other.

People should not think that their interview experiences would be the same as others. Each officer is different. And each case is unique and individual. Just because one was easily get thru, doesn't mean others would go thru as smoothly. People should be fully prepared.
JohnnyCash said:
Making a photocopy of Naturalization Certificate used to be against the law before 1999, but it has all changed since then. Now, it is perfectly legal to make a copy of Naturalization Certificate even though there is a remark on N. Certificate stating that it is illegal to make a photocopy of it. Just disregard that remark as USCIS did not change it previous version.

USCIS has changed it along with other requirements like before people needed to submit CERTIFIED copy of each document with their application, but since 1999-people don't need to send certified copy anymore. Instead just photocopy of it would be sufficient. However, USCIS might ask to see the original one during the interivew.

Does anyone know of a link to wordings of the law which states it is legal to make photocopies of Natz Certs?
JohnnyCash said:
Making a photocopy of Naturalization Certificate used to be against the law before 1999, but it has all changed since then. Now, it is perfectly legal to make a copy of Naturalization Certificate even though there is a remark on N. Certificate stating that it is illegal to make a photocopy of it. Just disregard that remark as USCIS did not change it previous version.

Thanks JohnnyCash. Please point me to a link/page where I can read this new law. Thanks for the info.
hm11 said:
Please point me to a link/page where I can read this new law.

First of all, this is NOT a NEW law as it's been actually out for the last 5-6 yrs, at least.

Secondly, I honestly don't have any weblink on this to provide you for your satisfaction. And to be honest, I doubt it if someone can be able to find a link on this. If someone is able to provide a link on this to you, then good for you, but I personally don't have any link on this for you, nor I've a luxury time to dig a link on this info from USCIS "rotten records".

Thirdly, I personally don't think that a person would need to support his/her each statement with a quotation of Law, Rule, Policy Number, Memo Number, Weblink or anything like that.

Fourth, you've got to understand that not every single information has to be written in 'black & white' OR as to Laws, Rules, Regulations. Matter of facts, lots of information are contained/written either as a 'internal memo' or/and 'Notification'. And if my memory serves me well then the above said change took place thru a 'Notification' issued by USCIS back then. So obviously, you won't find any weblink to read/attest that Notification. Besides, you should have known by now that immigration laws are not in 'black & white" as well.

That being said, in this kind of situation-a person has only two choices-either take this kind of information as a face value as it is given, Or disregard it in its entirety.
JoeF said: says:
"NOTE: Although the law prohibits duplication of naturalization certificates, certificates of citizenship, and Permanent Resident Cards (formerly known as Alien Registration Cards and commonly called “Green Cards”) for some purposes, that prohibition does not apply to making a photocopy for submission to the USCIS in conjunction with an application or petition."

The "for some purposes" clause is the important one. My understanding is that these "some purposes" include if you have the intent to use the copy for unlawful purposes.

Thanks JoeF. I really appreciate your contribution to this forum.