Successful Landing in Canada and return to US - My experience


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Hi ,

Thanks to all the members on this forum. I have been able to successfully land in Canada and come back to the US(came back last night) with an 8th year extension and an expired visa.Here is my experience:

We flew to Seattle and then drove to Vancouver through Port Douglas.
We reached the border at around 8:30 pm on thursday night.There was absolutely no queue.The conversation with the officer at the checkpost was as follows:

Officer:Why do you want to visit Canada?
Beezee: I would like to complete the landing formalities.

Officer: Will you be staying in Vancouver or going back immediately?
Beezee : I plan to stay a few days in Vancouver.

She gave me a piece of paper and told me to go park the car and meet an immigration officer inside the building.

Inside the building, the immigration was on the left side with sitting space for 3 officers and on the right, the same arrangement existed for the customs department.

We went to the the immigration officer and showed her the papers.She verified the information from the passports against the IMM form.Then she asked both of us to sign the form within the box.While verifying she just asked some casual questions like how was the drive,talked about the weather,nothing particularly unnerving.
She did not even look at the Bank Deposit Verificaiton Letter.Though I had an address in Canada, she said it cannot be a friend's address and that I would have to fax it when I come to Canada for good and after that within 6 weeks I would receive my PR card.She then gave me instructions of how to apply for SIN and also gave me a handout of the PR validity.

Then she asked me to go to customs.The customs officer asked me if I had a a list of things which I wanted to declare.I had prepared a list.She filled up a form saying that the list of things are "as per the attached list".Then she made copies of the form and the attached list and gave it to me.She told me that even if I have any other stuff which I have missed on the list and if I am able to prove it to them that I possessed the stuff before the landing date with a receipt then they would still accept it.

The officers were very courteous and were really trying to make us feel comfortable.It was very organized and systematic.

I stayed in Canada for two days and then drove back.This time it was the exact opposite.It was a Saturday afternoon and there was a big waiting line of cars trying to cross the border on both sides.We had to wait an hour and a half in the car.Then they gave us a piece of paper ,asked us to park the car and meet an immigration officer inside the building.

Inside the builiding, it was chaotic.There were around 25 people standing in line.There were no separate departments for customs and immigration.When our turn came 4 of the six officers sent us back stating that an immigration specialist would help us .Finally when we went to the fifth officer ,he asked me "Why do you want to meet an immigration specialist" and I told him that the other officers had told me so .He probably knew the immigration process and hence asked for my documents.

He saw the passport and commented that the Visa had expired.I told him that I had the extension with a valid I-94.He threw away the old I-94 and issued a new I-94 and charged $12 for it.He did not ask any questions regarding work nor about AVR.Even though it took a total of 2.5 hours to get through the process, in the end it worked out fine.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to reply to this post and I will answer it based on my experience over the last couple of days.

H1-B entry to US on valid I 94

Hi Bezee,

I am in exactly same boat as you. I need to go to Canada for getting my PR status. And then come back to US via Seattle Vancouver route. First thing is I wasn't even aware I could enter back to US on valid I -94 and 797.

As per your experience it seems you did not have any problems entering US on a valid I 94. What I want to be sure is that my H1-B expired in Nov 2002 and I am on H1-B legal status with a 7th year extension.

So that means for the current H1-B which is valid until 2007, my I 94 is also valid right? Because every time the H1-b is renewed or a fresh one is applied the I -94 also get renewed.

While coming back from Canada to US is it ok to say we went for PR status, if asked?

I first wanted to go for H1-B stamping in Vancouver Canada and my friend cautioned me that if for any reason its denied (the reason can be because my H1-B stamp on my passport has long expired) than I can't enter US even though I have valid I-94.

I hope entering back in US on valid I-94 and expired H1-B stamp doesn't not hold any problems?

I really appreciate you posting your experience on this website. Hope its helpful to others. Please answer my question as soon as you can.
Reply to H1.....

Hi H1....,

Yes your are right .When you get the new I-797, you also get an extension of your I-94.So you have a valid I-94 ,if you have a valid 797.

They didn't ask me why I had gone to Canada.They just asked where are you coming from?I told them that I was in Canada for a couple of days and am coming back to work in the US.They are more worried about why you want to visit US .

Also, keep in mind that when you leave the US,detach your expired I-94 and keep it with you.Don' give it to the Canadian authorities.This was something I learnt from some of the other posts in this forum.

AVR is valid for people like us so your should not worry at all.Read more about AVR on this forum and you will be at ease.I was also worried before I read about AVR.

Hope this helps,

I 94 AVR at Port of Entry

Hi Beezee,

I really appreciate your answers and prompt reply. I am little relieved.

Another question came to my mind while I read your answers.
I don't think you came across this but if you know somebody else did please let me know.

Q. I was thinking if at the port of entry (while getting back based on AVR) the officer asks why didn't I get H1-B stamping done, what answer should I give. What would be an appropriate answer.

Q. I thought AVR is only for F1 visa holders, where did you read its for H1-B holders also.

I may sound bit paranoid, but you know when it comes to where the Sun rises - Yes its definitely east. But when it comes to getting back to USA, even though we are legally present in the USA there is just so much uncertainity.
I would guess based on your experience that there is nothing worong in telling the immigration officer that I am planning to come back to US because from what I heard from some places that soem time they even say that you need to do landing when you are reading to immigrate not when you are planning to go back ... any one had that experience ....