Successful CP @ Mumbai


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Hi All,
Had a successful CP Process finally. Sorry for the delay in posting. Had my trip extended due to name check.
Did my medicals at Lilavati about 3 days before the interview. Pretty straight forward procedure. Same details as some of the other posts on this forum. Tho just as an FYI, they do not follow any sequence for the tests at Lilavati. So no need to rush and be the first one at the door in the morning. Reached Lilavati at around 7 am and was done by 5 pm. No complains. Lilavati accepts credit cards.

Had my interview on 20th Nov. Reached the consulate at 7.45 am. Stood in the line by the entrance. Its pretty easy to recognize the line with all the people standing there with big medical test results bags.
By 8.15am we were inside the consulate. Went to the payment window, submitted the interview letter and informed the person that the fees have been already paid in the US.
Waited for our name to be called. Our turn came at around 10.00 am. There was a Indian officer who was basically collecting the required documents. The guy was very patient and well spoken. We were asked to wait again once he had all the documents.
At around 11.30 am we were called at the interview window. Took the oath. There was an American officer this time. We were asked just about 5 questions...which company do you work for? How many employees? How long in the US? Educational background? From which institute did you graduate?
My wife wasnt asked any questions. At the end of the interview the officer said that they need to finish some formality which will take week's time and they will contact us. Our passports were returned to us. The H1s were not cancelled. Along with the passport a sheet was given which had a note given as "Name Check".
From that day onwards our wait started. Needless to say, it was very frustrating and stressful. I read as much material as possible on Name Check via the forums and realized that there was only one thing we could do about the Name Check...Wait!
Called up the consulate after a week. No update. I knew it was gonna take time since it was Thanksgiving. Checked again the second week. No update again. FInally checked on 10th Dec and got the update that the clearance had come in and I could collect my visa anyday.
Went to the consulate the next day. Reached the consulate at 7.30 am. Went in and submitted the passports. Was given a token and asked to come back at 12.30 pm at the information counter. Was out of the consulate by 8.15 am. Went home since there wasnt much to do around that early in the morning and came back again at 12.00 noon. Stood in the line by the entrance and got at the information counter by 1.00 pm. Was given another token and asked to collect the visa at 3.30 pm.
Went to Sterling since it was quite hot outside. Saw some movie which was already half way. Went back to the consulate by 3.30 pm. Long wait. Got the visa only by 4.30 pm. Checked the information. Everything looked ok.
Flew back to US on 17th Dec. Smooth entry. Stood in the Citizens & Residents line. Gave the documents to the officer. He directed us to a room where they took signatures and fingerprints. Got a stamp for one year validity in the passport. And thats it.

For ppl awaiting interviews at Mumbai consulate please note that they do have a photograph and photocopying facility inside the consulate. No cell phones, closed bags etc allowed. Attire does not matter.
Thanks KD and Zinga
IT was a tough wait. THose 3 weeks were like decades. But all's past now.
Good luck to all of the ppl in waiting and COngrats to all that have finished the process

remember to apply for new ssn card at your local ssa office. Carry passport which has the 551 stamp..if there are any dependents who also got gc along with you they will also might want to accompany with their passport with 551 stamp.

You will get new ssn card within 3 weeks...And expect physical gc in about 4-6 weeks!