Successful CP in Mumbai - Nov 26


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We (my wife and I) had a successful and extremely pain-free CP in Mumbai on Nov 26. The experience was similar to a lot of other people who went to Mumbai previously. No documents other than the ones listed on Packet 4 were asked for and the questions were very straight-forward. I will post my experience in detail once I return to the US after Dec 5. I can try and answer any specific questions that anyone may have. I would highly recommend the CP procedure to anyone who is on the fence between CP and AOS. My entire GC procedure took less than 2 years and contrary to a lot of other peoples experiences, the lawyers that I worked with (employed by my company) were extremely knowledgeable and helpful throughout the process.

Can you shed some light on the issue of the requirement of police clearance certificate from January 2002 onwards? There is some discussion going on in this forum regarding this issue. Did you read any such notice inside/ outside the Mumbai consulate?
Thanks in advance for your reply and good luck at the POE!
novmumbai: Congrats! and Best of Luck...

BTW, I just read in this forum that from Jan 2002 Police Clearance Certificate will be required from India. Is this true? Did you happen to see any such notice displayed at the information window at the Consulate in Mumbai.

I checked up (last modified: 10/3/01) and that still says
\'If an applicant has only resided in India or the United States, then no police certificate is required from the Indian police or any local police authority in the United States.\'

Could you kindly confirm this? Thanks.

Recently there is some confusion about a notice put up at the Mumbai embassy..can you shed some light on it if you have any information...

From Jan.2002, all Immigration Visa candidates should have police clearence certificates from India.
1. Regional Passport Office
2. Local Police Station
PC Certificates from India

To be honest, I did not notice any such announcements in the consulate and I did not hear any such talk about that between the 5-6 other EB IV cases that were there on that day. The Mumbai Consulate website still mentions that if you lived only in India and the US after the age of 16 then you do not require the PC Certificate. I would keep tabs on that as the real source rather than listen to what people say on these type of discussion groups as gospel since there tends to be a lot of misinformation presented along with the right information. My own opinion is that they would not make such a drastic change in policy giving such short a notice (and in actual fact, they still haven\'t given that notice on their website). It takes time for people to gather PC certificates and they cannot realistically think that people scheduled for January interviews would require it suddenly. If it was more like June 2002, then I would believe it. The best way to find out would be to send an email to Mumbai consulate. They take a while to respond (7-10 days) but whatever they say would be the purest info.

Hope that helps

ps I did require 2 PC\'s since I lived in 2 other countries since the age of 16. They did ask me for those, but not for my wife, who only lived in India and the US.
novmumbai: Thanks a lot for your info...

I do believe that PCC is not required for persons who have only lived in India and the US since the age of 16. The Mumbai US Consulate web site still maintains that. And as you said, they would not change policies overnight.