Successful chennai August 24 interview ...


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Successful chennai August 23 interview ...

We completed our immigration interview successfully at chennai on
Aug 23 2004.

Officer didn't ask even a single question.
Officer told that we will receive our visa within a week.

I got my visa at my place on Aug 28 2004 at my place DHARWAD.

Couple of interesting points about my case.

Last 3 years W-2 figures were 60% higher than the labor salary.

My latest pay stub accumalated salary for august second week was 80%
higher than the labor salary.

Port of entry at newark,nj was straight forward. Officer just took right hand
index fingure print and my signature in the below box.

That's it !! No questions at all.
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One favor from you.

When you went for the interview in the consulate.
Can you send the List of documents that were taken in by the consulate and the list of the documents that you kept as additional or supporting documents ?

that will be very very helpful


Congratulations Kulkven! Thanks for sharing the information.

What was your category E1/E2/E3?
