Strange situation...passport and DD returned without any stamp or letter


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Hello all,

I have a valid H1-B visa upto January 2007. I worked in the US for a couple of months. I have gone to the Chennai consulate in November 2005 for my multiple entry stamping. They have sent me the 221 g documents twice and I sent them the required documentation. When I emailed them a couple of times, they responded that my case is still under the review process.

I have a Master's degree from the US.

Today, I got my passport back in which they cancelled my F1 visa (which expired on july 4th' 2006). I don't see any other stamp in my passport. I have sent my dd back. They did not send me any 221g's or a letter stating why I was rejected or accepted?

Did they do any mistake?

What shall I do now? I wonder if the consulate responds to my email.

Please advise.

Thank you very much!!