Strange processing paradigm


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,
Some of us have been watching the CIS processing pattern for more than a year. Here are some observations that are odd. You may have more to add...
1. It is clear that the overall processing has slowed down from a 140 standpoint. However, it seems (to me) that 140 and 485 are getting approved in one shot after a while. Overall the 485 processing time seems to be way down.
2. I guess what I dont understand is how does CIS determine when to approve 140+485 on an application. My first guess would be the memo on processing times that the CIS put out a few months back in which they claimed that times would be down to 15 months this year and 12 months next year. But it seems odd that they could determine so surely what the avg processing times would be in a year. Does this not indicate that the whole process is a farce and they could approve applications much faster but dont want to do that.
3. My second guess on when they approve applications is based on the activity in an application e.g. renewal of ead, ap, extension of h, enquiries etc. If an application is not active, I think they interpret it to be implicitly withdrawn. According to this theory it would be important for us to be proactive in dealing with these guys.
4. My third guess is that things are following a natural progression in a perfect FIFO queue. This is the least likely explanation.

Any ideas?
I read some article from Murthy law firm. It says since April, USCIS changes its procedures processing 140&485 concurrent filings. Accourding to NSC, 140 will be adjudicated when concurrent 485 is ready for adjudication. In another word, 140 awaits 485 adjudication. This really sucks!!! :mad: