strange AVM message


New Member

I am new to the forum.

My case was received on Jan 14, 2003 by Philly from Delaware.

There was the same NOF about requesting my company to send documents to prove that they are having an office in Delaware in mid November, 2003.
My AVM message says that it is due on December 20, 2003. But my company asked to extension last December.
When I check my case using AVM, it giving me the following strange message :
"... Has been granted a notice of findings time extension. And response is due on 1990"

"Due on 1990????" ... What does it mean??? I am confused.

Could you please please clarify me what does it mean?

Thank you

P.S : My company replied to Philly proving that it has an office in Delaware in mid January. Do you know when my case got cleared?

It means AVM is not working properly. :D

Don't worry AVM is not a reliable source anyways. Get in Philly thread for better responses on the issue. Your best bet however will be an update from your lawyer unless you know number of analyst who is looking into your case.

Further to this - insist that your lawyer calls them - it helps if your lawyer calls and asks for status.