Story of My Life.


Registered Users (C)
This post is just to share my feelings with similarly frustrated people.

I came to this country 6 years back and waited 3 years to file my green card thinking that I will find a good company to file my green card. my employer exploiting me very much. They are paying lowest salary for my job which requires lot of responsibility at the client side. even the newbies make 30% more than mine. I have been getting this salary for last 6 years. My bills are increasing year by year and my salary is going down. I am also placed thru another company and they are also bothering me a lot. I filed my I485, 1.5 years back... after so much trouble from company. they did not file my I485 for almost a year and finally filed my I485. Luckily I had a good rapo with my client and my project is continuing for years. All sudden they are planning to eliminate lot of jobs in our area and I am not sure how long I will last? Every day I am checking INS website and this forum and wants to get this thing over. It is making me crazy when I see my pay check every month. My frustration turns more in to I485 delays. I have made poor choices all along and feel bad for that. Life is not fair!!

I think, at the end, it is not worth it. My friends in India have better career, better peace of mind, better environment to grow old, helping their parents and many more things. is it worth all tha pain???? I assume lot of us in this forum experienced similar things. please share your experience here.
If you looked at the history of immigration and immigrants 1st Generation immigrants always face this struggle. You have come so far on your 485 and it is not worth contemplating whether life in India would have been good. Maybe, Maybe not. Just remember that our stupid little frustration - if I may call it by that term pales in comparison to the harsh life so many people around the fall face day after day.

You have an education, a career, and a prospect of emploablity, that should make things look rosier so just keep the 485 frustration aside and enjoy the week end, and if you believe in God no harm in letting hm know that you are thankful for all you have got so far
Yeh. Reflects the life of most Desi's struggling to get a GC.

Don't know whether it will be worth the wait.

Cheer up buddy. Life is too short to worry over money or GC. Look towards ur future. Preparation today will be worth its wait in gold tomorrow.

Thanks for your reply guys.

To pceefan:
It is true that I am better off than many people in the world whose life is in danger.

But the same time, when it comes to every day life,

1. Employer intentionally paying you less (knowing that you can do nothing)
2. Employer humiliating you over every benefit (or even during conversations( lousy medical coverage))
3. Employer intentionally exploiting you in every single possible matter ( No vacations for 3 weeks, I won't give your H1B...we won't give your LC, I140 papers...sign a bond to stay with us for xx Years..etc)
3. Constant pressure and anxiety over future(pack u r bags... u got to go....this city....)
4. Unstable lifestyle (I know, some couples are even waiting for their babies after GC?!)
5. You have absolute no control over your life, career, family or money

These things can not be set aside. Waiting for end of the tunnel ...some live a peaceful life at least with respect.....
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Get me out

You ought to rationalise mate! Rem for every goal you want to reach there is always a struggle, and nothing good comes without tears. I will give u two extreme examples, one on technology and the other on life's basic fact

See all of us thought LINUX was free and had a good free luch for the last 3 years, but have u seen what SCO is doing now, they are suing all of us who though Linux was free for billions of dollars, so lesson learnt nothing comes easy let alone Free

Second example the moment your soul takes refuge in your body (when u are born) the struggle is life long to keep the body from wearing out, you win for some 40-70 yeas and then nature takes it toll, you drop your body, so you are always struggling to keep yourself healthy

So what do these two examples teach you,
1. Nothing comes free
2. Life is a struggle
3. Any good that you aspire for always has some tears hidden

So enjoy the week end knowing that you are in the boat with a million others having if not more atleast as much uncertanities in their lives as yours
Have you tried finding a new job? Market is not good but if you try long and hard enough you will get something else. Try the companies with majority American staff. They are so much easier to deal with.
My thoughts

When an elephant is young, they tie him up with a chain that he can't break. He gets so trained to that chain, that when he grows up, they tie him with a rope, and he doesn't even attempt breaking it.

Crux of the story, we folks in 485 stages are not indentured to anyone. We have EAD/AC21/AP that many folks don't.

Try finding a job, they are out there, and not that hard to get.
Originally posted by getmeout
This post is just to share my feelings with similarly frustrated people.

I came to this country 6 years back and waited 3 years to file my .

Getmeout. Blame it on Unkle sam, who has eaten your
taxes for last 6 years without even giving you a green frigging
card. Ironically even though this country is a country of immigrants
is so hostile to legal immigrants. Most of it has to do with
racist bastards who are appointed as head of INS CA by republican morons in DC. These assholes are spending
1 billion a week on a so called bogus war in iraq, but they
would not do anything to make INS efficient. This apathy
and callous attitude is all calculated and not just a coincidence.

I never considered this soulless golden cage otherwise known as USA my home anyway.

To goodsaint:
I am an E-business architect for fortune-10 company for their Global project

stillwaitinganw,Silly Man
Getting a job never been a problem for me. I have helped people get their jobs making more than me even in this tough times.( I am going to hire a programmer next week who is going to make more than me !!!)

4 years back, I thought that I have come along long way waited these many years and just wait 1 more year to get the GC and move on. I did not want to take any risk in the middle of GC. i was sure that all my avenues will be open after GC.

I thought the same thing again after 5 th year, 6 th year and even now.....just waited 16 months in I485 and stay few more months to get the stamping.....

The lesson of this story is :"Even not taking enough risk in your life is a Risk too"
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Focus on your family right now. You have slogged too long to give up now. In a few months you will get your GC and then you can make all the decisions about India and USA and catch up on all
the options that have not been available to you.

Good luck!!
Mr. GetmeOut

First thing is you are very Jelous of other people.
See the people who are less fortunate and FIRST find taht you are fortunate. Then look up others who MAY seem better and analyze and find out any thing better you can do IN YOUR life.

Life is Full of LUCKS.

Bill Bates - school drop out - - richest man.. why don't you feel bad on him :D:D

Unpad gawaar Seth in India selling jaggery, and Ginger (wholesale) is richer than You .

Every ones life is different. Think they HAD better chance .
Also all people never reveal their difficulties of life. They will be having their problems but still speak that they are very fine.

The indians working in Inda will have a HELL with their boss. Pollution. No weekends. Junior will become boss. etc etc... Do not think they are happy.
Waiting will bear its sweet fruit

I just got my GC apporved, and I have the same case as yours exploited by Desi firm.....but I will be talking to them on Monday for a draastic change in my employment contract...exactly one-month after approval....

So Cheer up
Everybody has his day

Yours will come when your 485 approved. Having put up with the spineless people for so long, you should wait some more so that you can say can say to them "F$$$ you I am liberated now. I will sit at home but not help you make any miore money ..........."

Or why dont you use AC21 to change jobs anyway that you are about to be terminated now?????
Originally posted by getmeout
This post is just to share my feelings with similarly frustrated people.

I came to this country 6 years back and waited 3 years to file my green card thinking that I will find a good company to file my green card. my employer exploiting me very much. They are paying lowest salary for my job which requires lot of responsibility at the client side. even the newbies make 30% more than mine. I have been getting this salary for last 6 years. My bills are increasing year by year and my salary is going down. I am also placed thru another company and they are also bothering me a lot. I filed my I485, 1.5 years back... after so much trouble from company. they did not file my I485 for almost a year and finally filed my I485. Luckily I had a good rapo with my client and my project is continuing for years. All sudden they are planning to eliminate lot of jobs in our area and I am not sure how long I will last? Every day I am checking INS website and this forum and wants to get this thing over. It is making me crazy when I see my pay check every month. My frustration turns more in to I485 delays. I have made poor choices all along and feel bad for that. Life is not fair!!

I think, at the end, it is not worth it. My friends in India have better career, better peace of mind, better environment to grow old, helping their parents and many more things. is it worth all tha pain???? I assume lot of us in this forum experienced similar things. please share your experience here.

So very well said. I am sure you must be feeling a little releaved by letting out your frustration. I bet you, you are not alone with this story and yes, there has to a limit to everything. This BCIS stories seem to be endless.
Re: Everybody has his day

Originally posted by brokenarrow
Yours will come when your 485 approved. Having put up with the spineless people for so long, you should wait some more so that you can say can say to them "F$$$ you I am liberated now. I will sit at home but not help you make any miore money ..........."

Or why dont you use AC21 to change jobs anyway that you are about to be terminated now?????
You are absolutely right. But when the day comes, you will be so exhausted by the wait and agony that you will loose all your energy to finally say "F$$$ YOU"
We must be the change we wish to see in the world.
- Gandhi


Sympathies with all (including me) . PLease, do the needful ,
and write about your greivance about BCIS 485 backlogs to
Senator Feinstein.
