Still waiting on oath letter


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Took the test and passed in mid December. Was told it'd be within eight weeks that I'd receive the OL. No OL yet. I've decided to not panic until April, but at what point would it be expected that I should start contacting the folks at immigration and ask what is going on? While I'm not yet in a panic, I am quite wracked with nervousness...fear that my OL got lost in the mail or that there is some sort of problem.
Your DO

Took the test and passed in mid December. Was told it'd be within eight weeks that I'd receive the OL. No OL yet. I've decided to not panic until April, but at what point would it be expected that I should start contacting the folks at immigration and ask what is going on? While I'm not yet in a panic, I am quite wracked with nervousness...fear that my OL got lost in the mail or that there is some sort of problem.

You never mentioned your District Office. Where did you apply from? Every city/state is different when it comes to scheduling oath ceremonies. Please be specific.This will give some of us an idea if your DO usually takes that long to schedule oath ceremonies or yours is an unusual case. I hope you get my point.
I took the test in Chicago, but I live in Northwest Indiana and was told that the local federal courthouse has oath ceremonies, so I may be taking the oath there as opposed to taking the oath in Chicago.
Edited to add: 120 days from the date of the test would be April 17th, so that makes me feel a little better, but I'm still ready to tear my hair out. :D
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Edited to add: 120 days from the date of the test would be April 17th, so that makes me feel a little better, but I'm still ready to tear my hair out. :D

Not to make you feel bad but just so you know, that 120 days just gives you a legal option to sue them with 1447(b). It does not necessarily mean that they will do it. This is bad example but I know in Atlanta DO for an interview completed in Apr 2007, oath was in Feb 2008 (name change was requested so court oath needed) Way more than 120 days !!!

If you have judicial oath in a court, then it could be just scheduling issue with court. Courts schedule only few oaths a year. What you can do is call the district court that handles oath ceremony and ask them for future oath dates. If there is no oath scheduled till say May, you can relax until April as oath letters are not sent 2-3 months in advance anyway.
Hope that helps.
I'll call first thing in the morning. Thanks!
Hi itismejose,

I have a friend, He had an interview in the mid of December and he is still waiting for the Oath in Northwest Indiana. Did you called the courts near to Northwest Indiana? I suggest to call the court and ask for the next oath ceremony. I think Hammond court have oath ceremony once every month. Just call and I am sure that they will be able to tell you the exact date of the ceremony. Good Luck!
Sashko, I called, but was sent to voice mail so I left a message. I called once before and was told that they don't have a set schedule, that they just schedule one when they get enough people. It'll be interesting to hear if I get a different answer this time.
Sashko, I sent you a private message.

I think you can go for an infopass. I had my IV on 11/15 2007 and hot the letter on 3/4. But I scheduled an infopass on 1/3 and wan told there is an oath ceremony on March. So I am just keep waiting until 3/4.

I understand that waiting is frustrated. If you are really worry about your letter. Just make an infopass or call the 1800-375-5283 to schedule an request.

Good luck to you!