Still no Letter nor Decison...


Registered Users (C)
I had my interview in January 2007, Still haven't recieved any new status changed nor Letter. My Immigration Worker told me she talked to an immigration officer on March 25th 2007 and that he talked to the Detroit Branch (where I am from) and that my I-485 petition is being prepaired for a Denial but the I-130 is approved.

So the queston I ask is, Why is it taking so long? and what should I do? Go downtown Detroit to INFOpass or wait?
i had an interview on march 28, 2007 and have not got the decision yet since he needs more evidence and we already mailed it to him.

i don't wanna call customer service cos they cant help or give you the right answer..practically they know i made an infopass next month to find out what's the status now.