staying in canada and work in the u.s


New Member
I am u.s. green card holder, want to stay in canada and work in u.s, possibly seattle. I just want to know if there are any restrictions on crossing the u.s-canada border everyday.
I have posted a similar question in the "Life After Green Card" forum.

To my knowledge, you cannot live in Canada and work in the US with a green card - unless you convert to commuter status - if it is for a long term. The problem is you need to have a job before you can change status and you have to keep re-extending the commuter status every 6 months.

Hope this helps.
Working in USA & LIVING in canada

i am also in the same situation. i am a US green card holder.

i have a canadian landed immigrant visa(about to become canadain PR). i

got US green card before my marriage. hence i could not bring my spouse

into usa. therefore i applied for canadian PERMANENT RESIDENCE.

i read about alien commuter status. if i am a permanent resident of usa &
canada, can i use alien commuter status to work in detroit ,usa & live in