stay on course


Registered Users (C)
First think Attorney Khanna for the courage and great work
has has done.

To stay on couse, we should go stright to the bottom of
the problem, i.e., INS discriminate against EB-485 applicants
when it come to immigration benefits application by
repeativelly allocating resource out of EB-485 processing,
and deliberately not processing EB-485.

Therefore, the immediate remedial measures should be
some sort of "affirmative action" , i.e.,recovering the lost processing time on EB-485 by assigning signicant additional resource to EB-485 processing immidiately, and make sure
that never happen again.

I am afraid that raising the other issues like EAD, Ap, I485 portaibility issues with goverment attorney will diminishe case, not enhance the case . Afterall, we are requesting is "processing
immigration benefit with reasonable time frame, not lossening
the criterial for adjustment ". The latter can only be solved through law maker in congress.

Just my 2 cents.

EB-485 is like manufacturer rebate, an immigratioin benefit
the US goverment (the manufactuer) hope it will never be collected.