status change I539 from H-1 to H-4, filed 9/24/04, no news yet


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status change I539 H-1->H-4, filed Sep 04, anyone filed I539 at that time?

I filed status change I539 from H-1 to H-4 at VSC on 9/24/04, no news yet. :confused: Does anybody has similar cases? The new processing date for such case with VSC is October 12, 2004. I am a little concerned since when I filed I539 from H-1 to H-4 at VSC on 9/24/04, I only provided pay stubs till 8/13/04, with over a month without pay, although my the I94 on my H-1 expire on Jun 05. Normaly, how long would I need to wait?

Thanks a lot.
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we have applied for 7th year extension H1 for me and H4 for my wife & kids on 16-Sep-2004 at Vermont Sevice Centre (VSC), and we have just received the H4 extension approval notice to-day with notice date as 22-Nov-2004. Normally H1 will be sent to our lawyer by VSC. You may have to wait for another two weeks. Thanks.
Thanks for the info, rthaniks

rthaniks said:
we have applied for 7th year extension H1 for me and H4 for my wife & kids on 16-Sep-2004 at Vermont Sevice Centre (VSC), and we have just received the H4 extension approval notice to-day with notice date as 22-Nov-2004. Normally H1 will be sent to our lawyer by VSC. You may have to wait for another two weeks. Thanks.