Starting C-Corp on H1B - Please Advice


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I have read through almost all the threads and have good understanding of the restrictions being on H1 .......
Thousands of thanks to JoeF and other gurus for all the help and time .... U guys are really great ........

I'm planning to start a C-corp or LLC, just for IT training purposes .....
All i would do is conduct training ... No running payroll and stuff....
1) Since i'm the instructor of the company, if i teach .... Is it considered working
2) Can i do the training as long as i hire a CEO ... And dont report at any place that i'm the instructor ... For outside world, i'm a passive investor ... Is this possible.
3) I can hire a CEO (who is a PR, GC or a citizen) ... But the revenue generated by the company at end of year would be very very low ... In this case, how do i pay the CEO ...(Its a small business)

Please advice .... Your help and time are appreciated in advance ...
Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for the response ...
I have been talking to lots of CPA's ... They all are saying that its really grey area and its perfectly fine ...
According to them, there are thousands of people on H1, who start their own business every year, who open bank account on their name and sign cheques ... None of them ever had problem with green card or deportation.
I checked with my Immigration Lawyer and she says, its perfectly fine and more than half of her clients who are on H1 has own business which they are handling independently ...
Saying So, I still agree with JoeF that its illegal to do this ......
But i guess as the lawyer says, its a Grey area and the INS / IRS is never really concerned about this ... Just realised that my ex-employer, with whom i worked for over 2 years is still on H1 ... He has bank account on his name and he used to write cheques .......
I would really appreciate people responding with their experiences on this matter ...
I personally, know lots and lots of H1 guys who are operating business independently ... R there any cases, where these kind of guys are deported ...
Use nominee service instead of hiing CEO

Please use a nominee service like the below one if you are really concerned.If you just voluteer to teach and not take any salary,its perfectly legal.The rule about work autorization is intended to protect people from taking away jobs from US citizens.If you dont get W2 income, then its not earned income.Its perfectly fine.Please dont let people like JoeF ruin your dreams.These people are twisting the law to justify their fears.

Please let me know if you need more clarification.