stamping experience


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Did anybody finishing passport stamping recently at Newark, NJ? would you please share your experience? Thanks!

FP1: 5/02
FP2: 10/03
FP3: 2/04
AD: 1/16/04
OK! You asked.(for it)....:)

Hi guys,

I just returned from Newark,NJ office after a successful stamping today! Wednesday being the ONLY By Appointment Day, chose today, though we received our notice on 1/15/04 (other thread Approved atlast...)

Reached Federal Bldng at 8.45 am (Note: If you are coming from 21 South there is a detour for Rector Street, so if you follow the detour this office will be on the left turn on Broad Street) a lot of road work is going on in that area. However if you take left on the E Kinney St, there is a big sign saying Parking for Immigration office. Charge below 2 hrs 5.50 and above 2 hrs $10.

There were 2 queues at the main gate (somebody said if you come by some side entrance, they just let you go immediately. Please go around the building if you want :) I did not dare because it was so icy the road and the side walks) Stood in the line of about 15 people and got in 9.05. Then there is a x-ray scan and walk through the metal detector. Then proceed to Floor 2 room # 200. Only 5 people before me in the queue. Got the token by showing ID (EAD card) and the I-485 approval notice. Time taken 1 minute.

Went to 10th floor, room # 1022. Some 20 people were in the room, they were processing exactly 15 number before me. There was a small line in the middle of the room(about 8 people) and the guard asked us to stand in the line and give finger print. The gave a form to sign ( dumb, but the dumber lady behind the counter said somthing about your last name and first name etc and the signature, so started writing my last name. She asked this is how you sign? I said no, she tore that paper and asked me to sign...that was simple, then took the index finger prints on two places of the paper). Elapsed time 20 mts.

Sat there waiting for the number to appear on the electronic board. Elapsed time 30 mts. Now the # of IOs became 2 to 5 and the 2 more counters started taking people. I went down for a coffee in the cafeteria in 2nd floor. Came back to note that my wife's # was called. I was next. When my wife went to the counter the IO become very courteous and started to help a 80 year old lady, so I overtook my wife to another counter. The IO asked for EADs,Travel Docs, Photos and Passport. Gave them and waited patiently for 10 mts till the IOs finished bickering about their boss. "OK, you can take a seat, we will be doing a background check","Thank you Ma'am (you could have told this 10 mts back = which I didn't say).

My wife came happily, "I got the stamp also in the Passport". What no background checks? May be 80 year old lady passed some blessings!:))

However after 20 mts I was called and the IO stamped my passport and said, "This stamp is valid for 1 more year and you have take it with you wherver you travel (dah! this is my passport!) and we have endorsed that you can work, so nomore EAD required. You will get your permanent card in 6 to 12 months". So with a big thank you, came to the seat verified the A#s are OK. Overall the time taken from entering the building 2hrs and 35 mts.

Next thing which was not needed to do it in the same building but waited for another 1 hour in the Social Security office in the same floor and gave an application to change the SSN from "Employment under INS Authorisation" to whatever. This time can be saved by going to the less crowded local SS office. (I dont know where is it near my house, as well already 1/2 day gone so sat there and finished it)

Hope this will help you those who will go to Newark. All the best,

1 job changed
1 address changed
Took all the docs with me but nothing but the required ones were shown/given. Used only Complimentary copy, yet to receive the original from Attorney

Hi pachai_attai,
Thanks for the very detailed description. It is heartening to know that they don't really ask you anything. A couple of questions though.
You said "The IO asked for EADs,Travel Docs, Photos and Passport". By travel docs, do you mean APs?
You said you took all the docs though they didn't ask for anything more. What else did you take with you? If you're married, do you need anything apart from marriage certificate, like joint bank account stmnts, joint tax returns, apartment lease, etc?

J Rao
Re: Thanks

Originally posted by jrao124

You said "The IO asked for EADs,Travel Docs, Photos and Passport". By travel docs, do you mean APs?
You said you took all the docs though they didn't ask for anything more. What else did you take with you? If you're married, do you need anything apart from marriage certificate, like joint bank account stmnts, joint tax returns, apartment lease, etc?

Travel Docs = APs . I did not have one but my wife had so she gave them.

Other docs= All related I-485 application + almost the file containing my INS documents from H1B + Joint tax returns

No apartment lease,bank account statements...

The husband and wife are called separately, so there is no reference to the individual's marital status in the conversation. However my wife was asked for her Husband's name and the IO noted it. This is because, my wife still uses her maiden name (Her last name is her father's).That's all. Also we were both being processed at different counters, so I was not there to assist my wife:rolleyes: or there was any need.

Hope this helps

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My husband and I went for stamping yesterday at around 7.45 and it took us around 1 hour to finish the entire process. There is a separate entrance for Immigration and there is no crowd there. As mentioned earlier, except for the person doing the fingerprint, others were quite ok. If you are going as a family, all of you go together to the same counter after fingerprinting whose ever number is first. Take with you whatever documents were issued during the I485 process like EAD, Ap,....