Stamping experience in San Diego


Registered Users (C)
Hi All, Finally got my passport stamped on friday in San Diego (Chula Vista). I had a Infopass appointment for 12:30pm. I arrived there with my documents + copy of driver's license @ 12:10pm. They asked for my liscense and appt at the entrance. I entered and took a token for 12:30appt. I waited and waited and waited and finally had my number called @ about 2:00pm. No questions asked and got my PP stamped in about 5 mins.

But it looks like -
1. They don't let you enter without Infopass appt. They turned away a man just before me.
2. Infopass appt is just a way to enter the center. If I had entered with 12:30pm appt @ 11:00am then I would have gotten have PP stamped @ noon
3. Lots of oflks on friday so you might want to schedule appt at another date/time.
