Stamping Experience at Santa Ana


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Recently we went for our passport stamping to BCIS Santa Ana local office. Here is our experience –

The SNA office is open between 7:00AM~4:00PM, however they issue only 120 tickets per day (which we learned hard way). If that number is exhausted, then you need come on a later day and again stand in line. The line is altogether outside the building, starting at the entrance and goes circling the building. The security guard at the entrance starts sending groups of people inside the building at 7:00AM. The guard regulates the inflow depending on the line upstairs for tickets. So there are 2 lines. One outside the building to enter the building and another to get a ‘ticket’ on 7th floor. A lot of waiting in outside line as well as some waiting in inside queue.

We had to go to the office 2 times. One of our friends, who had been to that office, mentioned that there was long line when he went early in the morning and by 9:30AM there was virtually no line. So we decided not to go too early and that was a miscalculation. By the time we were in line, at about 8:00AM, they had already started issuing ‘tickets’. So we felt good as the line was ‘moving’. The guards used to stop people going inside depending on the crowd waiting upstairs for tickets and also for immigration work. At about 10:00 AM, we were 3rd or 4th party to get out chance to ‘enter the dragon’, the security guard come shouting ‘ no more tickets – no more tickets’. We asked him what does this mean and he didn’t give us a clear-cut answer and asked us to wait till our turn comes. We (and lot of others) didn’t like that he had a chip-on- his shoulder, which was like, ‘By mistake I have to be a guard working for a private contractor, actually I am fit to be the INS director’. Usually I find people are very nice & helping but this ‘director’ level experience was an exception. So we waited in confused state and once our turn came, the ‘director’ told us there are no more tickets but if we still want to go upstairs to get more information, we could. Only upstairs, at the ticketing window, the officer explained that they issue only 120 tickets per day on a FIFO basis. No appointments possible and no alternative to stand in line. Simple enough, if don’t have strong legs and can’t bear cold weather, how can you be a software professional? :mad:

Same story next morning. ‘Andhe #@$&% aur fauj main daude’. We decided to split with me going very early in the morning and doing the ‘leg’ work and my family joining me at 7:00AM. So I joined the line between 4:30~5:00AM. The scene at this time was not different than ‘train-platform’ with people slipping in their blankets, etc.. I was the 70th person in the line. I took a chair for me to sit but looking people much older that me standing, I didn’t use it. I noticed a few people from yesterday and they, too, recognized me. My family joined me at 7:00AM. At this time I saw suddenly there were a lot of people in front of us. At about 9:00AM we were allowed to go upstairs. No ‘director’ this time. Once again we were in ‘ticket’ line. We got our tickets. I was under impression that they would issue one ticket per family instead they issued one ticket per person. No wonder a lot of people don’t get ticket. After getting the tickets we went to 5th floor where there was a waiting room. After waiting for about an hour our numbers were called. The lady saw our notices and cross checked the A#s from her computer. She immediately stamped my daughter’s PP. For me and my wife she took our index finger print & signature on a form. She also collected our EAD and I-94s. She showed EADs their place in the dust-bin. She asked us to wait I guess to have a final background check.

About in 15~20 min she called us again and put stamps on our PP & congratulated us. The process ended at about 10:30AM. Earlier when we were standing in line I had made a few friends. They, too, started congratulating us which gathered a lot of attention from others sitting in the waiting room. This made me feel a special person! :eek:

I must mention of an event when we were in line. At about 6:00AM, a long and swanky limousine was driven inside and stood in front of us. We all were wondering about who would appear. As the limo stood, the driver got-off and ran behind and opened the door. There stepped out a man in full suits and expensive rings on fingers. One could easily tell that the person is rich and savvy. The driver ran to the other side and opened the door. A beautiful, carefully dressed lady stepped out. The man and the woman walked towards the immigration line and stood at the end of it, much behind us. DIL KO THANDAK PAHUNCHI! :D

So now I am a free bird and looking for 2 men who can work with me selling Tea & vada-Pav to people standing in early morning, cold & long immigration line. We are open for franchise, too. Any takers?

Jinda Dil
nice account. while serving the line, why not interview the waiters and write a book? you have the talent.