St. Louis DO: Is Oath on same day as Interview?


New Member

I have my Citizenship interview in the St. Louis District office next week. The interview appointment letter doesn't say anything about the Oath ceremony. But, I have heard that many centers offer Oath on the same day as the Interview. Does anyone know if St. Louis office also has the same day Oath ceremony or would I have to wait for a separate appointment letter for the Oath taking part? Is this something I can request in advance? If they are on two separate days, what is the average gap between the two?

Thanks for your responses.
Hey, I have my interview scheduled for Oct 4 in St. Louis. I have no idea about oath ceremony on the same day, but one of my friend who is a citizen said it takes 2-3 weeks to get oath letter and then on a date mentioned you have to take oath in downtown St. Louis court hall.

Let me know if you have any info on this.
Of course you are assuming that you name check is cleared... I waited for the oath for 9 months and even then it took some persuation as you can see in my signature.
I had my interview in Oct 2006 but then finally had the Oath ceremony in end of May 2007. So, I too ended up waiting for about 8 months! Damn those name check delays :-( I have a pretty unique first & last name combination so don't know why it should have taken so long and/or manual name check!