SSN after EAD????


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

After getting EAD, should the person apply for Social Security number. If so when and what is the procedure


yes, u can apply for ssn, go to social security office & fill up the form ,take your ead/pp with u.
thank you Deep, but

when my wife went to the ssn office they said that the status at INS shows \'unknown\', so it would take 4 weeks. By any way will this effect the GC process, as the person at the SSN office said they have to verify with this standard or has INS not updated any particular database...that is causing this problem....

any thought or experience related to same?.

So does the person become Out-Of H4, once she gets ssn

Thanks for the info.
Btw, I have a question on the same subject.

Currently, my wife is on H4. Once she gets an EAD and if she applies for ssn, will she be out of H4? I dont think so, but, thought of confirming.
The reason, as I understand, is \'getting\' an EAD is different than \'using\' EAD. She does not have AP. My lawyer suggested to use H4 to travel (she is not planning to work, but, wants to make paperwork ready).

Thnaks in advance, for valuable inputs.
She will still be on H4

She can get her SSN without fearing loosing her H4 status.
She will loose her H4 status when she starts using her EAD or when you loose your H1 status (if you start using you EAD, if you 485 gets approuved...)

The SSN is cery confinient, she will not need a waiver to get her driver liscence, she will be able to open a bank account and also VERY IMPORTANT she will be able to start building her credit history in the US by having her own credit card.

As you probably find out by yourself when you ask for your credit card, it is prety difficult to get something if you do not have an establish history in the US, and you can only start to build your credit history when you have a SSN.

Got for it.

Roger Cadoret
We got it...

My wife got it, went to SS office showed all the papers pymarily the EAD and drivers Lincese, the office said it will take few weeks but we got it in 2 weeks. It was very fast.

Let me know if you have any specific questions.

How many weeks after getting an EAD, should I go for SSN?

First, thanks a lot Roger and SVS2000 for the info. Yes, my wife is planning to go for ssn at the earliest.

So, approx. how many weeks after getting an EAD, my wife should go for applying SSN?

Per ealier message, it takes about 4 weeks for SS systems to be updated.
SVS2000, when did you go after getting an EAD?