Spouse 2nd FP - is delay a problem?


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just received my 2nd FP notice for early August.

Unfortunately wifey didnt get it and her case hasnt been touched since late 2003. (we went together for the first one)

Is this a problem; is there a way I can trigger a notice for her?

Folks please advise.

warm regards

1st FP - July 2002
No sure fire way that you can trigger her FP. But you can always try by sending a fax.

I don't think there is any cause to worry, it will probably show up in the next week or two. Good luck.
thank you, 140_takes_forever.

i have often noticed folks have gotten their FP early; one just lands up at the center and requests FP?

warm regards
Hari_Seldon said:
thank you, 140_takes_forever.

i have often noticed folks have gotten their FP early; one just lands up at the center and requests FP?

warm regards
I would say it is very difficult if not impossible to get a FP done without the proper paperwork. Going for early FP is one thing, but going to a FP without any paperwork is a totally different cup of tea. Still no harm in trying. Good luck!