Sponsor employer denied to give original approval.................


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Hello Folks. My AOS application was approved on April 7, 2003. My desi sponsor employer is denying to give me original approval notice. I spoke with the lawyer and he said he will send me but I have to pay him final fee. Employer have no right to keep the approval notice after AC21 law. If anyone of your employer give you hard time speak with immigration right away. These days they are trying to catch bad elements of society & desi body shops are among them.......good luck
Thanks Sam99...

I am going to call VSC and request them to re-issue me new approval at my address. Also I am going to complain this indian desi employer who play games with me since past 8 months.................
middlesex_desi : you must be really out of your mind to complain

At this stage you stand to gain nothing but may possibly end up loosing everything including your GC... Remember its not as easy as dialing 1-800-INS and complain about your employer and they fix him.

Just get your GC and move on.

There are too many things in this world that are not the way they should be .... just make the most of it and live happily.
I agree, just get it reissued, or wait for the plastic card, you have the EAD right, so you can work for anyone anywhere, let him frame your approval notice and hang it on his wall.

just tell BCIS that you did not recieve the notice and that 14 days have passed....


Why did it go to your employer anyways, BCIS should have had your address.
I dont understand why are we discussing so much about the original approval notice??

Dear friend, your employer will get the original notice but you too will get a courtesy copy. You can take that copy for passport stamping. As someone already said, let your employer frame the original copy and hang it in his drawing room.

Take it easy. Don't take panga with INS. forget your employer. take GC and move on...
Great going guys!!!

Just ignore whaz going around you !!! and move on ... very mature Decision guidelines ......
Just sharing:
What if:
I call the Dept of Labor and BCIS and tell them about this VA based company that they are treating the immigrants as slaves.
The lady (Boss) have not paid the salary for last 6 weeks ( 3 checks) and as such have been paying $25000/year with no tax deductions. LC reflects LIES (75K). Cannot change jobs because not able to get this much in current job market.
I abused her and pushed her hard against the wall for not paying me since I have a big family to take care of.
You know what she told me:
Hey you temporary workers, you did not have food to eat and clothes to wear, did not have shelter there in India, we gave you food and shelter here, now you are asking for too much. Do you want to go back?
My god,
I would have taken her ass but you know, until GC is...............
I want to reply them. How much harm I am I doing here to myself or is there any way I can get away without being deported?. Can someone suggest? Can I just leave the sponsoring employer without having another job in Hand?
PM's are welcome
Thanks in advance
I guess some people like to take unnecessary trouble.

I understand your point. But why you want to take unnecessary trouble? Forget this employer.. There are other good things in life to think about. Get your GC.. enjoy.. Call me when you party..

You have big family to take care back in india.. But you found a better life here and that is why you are here.

Sorry for putting a hindi quote.. but why "aa bail mujhe maar"??? Forget the lady. take gc enjoy..
munnabhai02 (Feel the pain...........)

munnabhai02 I feel so bad to read your story. These people have no right to treat you like slaves and must be punished. I do not know why you guys are so afraid and think that employers are doing a huge favor by getting you sponsored and giving you green card. This is bull shit do not underestimate your self. You earned your status due to your qualification and this is American system who welcomes and allow you to adjust your status. These blood sucking mostly our own country men are treating us like slaves this is the time to teach them lesson.
Do not be afraid and complain BCIS and local department of labor. I heard some H-1b visa holders are complaining local and national newspaper or even CNN to show their ugly faces to the real world. Many groups are contacting news papers. If we do not act to stop this to happen many fellows will suffer............
Thanks everyone for the views.
I understand the it all depends on the individual as to how one can handle the situation.
Someone may loose temper and take the hell out of the employer whereas the other might just continue to tolerate this nonsense 40/Hrs a week, full-time.
Since Iam RD- Jan02, it might take another 4-6 months before my case it picked up (just hoping) and then who knows RFE's and Transfers. Another employee of my company, a Sept case has not been approved so far. Got RFE's in Jan/Feb this year and then still got transfered inspite of giving all the replies on time.
Thanks again and lets see and hope how it goes.
But one thing is for sure, if I am not paid this week, you all will read my name in the newspapers.
Thanks Girish

I have some points here to mention.
1. First of all I am not a consultant and to tell you the truth not at all a computer guy, but (in the engineering field). But the company is computer related and infact has training background. Training means teaching software, Hardware, cisco, mcse, etc etc to students from county and to local people who are already taking classes in other schools/universities.
Iam a fulltime since last 4 years (1999) and have been to clients for short durations on and off depending upon the project. At the end of the project coming back to the office teaching engineering stuff.
But since the projects started falling apart, I had offered my employer to let me go (no bench business) since I knew there will be chick-chick now and employer will keep haunting for something or the other, I had requested them to keep my GC process in progress. If required reply to RFE and any other inquiry from INS.
I opted to sit at home and look for jobs then to work and not get paid. This employer (which I might call FBI also) is harboring illegal immigrants. Keeping 20 illegal guys, paying them like 200$ in 15 days and getting all sorts of work done. Training them for 1 month and then these illegal guys who came to US hidden in the trunk of a car from canada and are only worth working in 7-11 start teaching as software consultants of oracle and hi-fi languages and are sent to different clients as Phd's with totally false and bullshit lies on their resumes with 20 years of experience in fortune 500 companies. Those companies throw them off and send them back because they sense something is wrong with this guy and company. These hi fi programmers come back to the office crying. Then this Desi lady tells them OK, you loosers, start preparing to launch something like yellow pages and white pages for the indian community. All the staff including the geniune computer people and engineers (just hand full of them- like 5% of the total staff) and rest all the illegal guys lie down on the feet of MATA KA DARBAAR and spend the rest of the time going to different office along the street and area collecting information about their businesses begging them to place their ad in our book and hence the launch of Yellow pages and white pages. Still no salary after working for this yellow pages too because only 5 companies agreed to place their Ad in our white pages so they might pay 60$-100$ each after 30 days and there are 40 employees to take care of. Out of them 35 are illegal with no valid document and other 5 have been sponsored for GC so they cannot make noise. Lady is happy sucking blood this way for last 15 years. Has her own mansion worth 2-3 million. How can a person irrespective of his/her race/religion be so selfish and cruel?
When she goes to bed at night, does'nt she for one minute realizes the pain and suffering of those who were genuinely educated and qualified and were doing wonders back home, came here to US for better quality of life which was the only deficiency back home, infact appeared for competitive exams to prove themselves better than the others, worked hard, sacrificed their family to make a better tommorrow for the children and for themselves.
I know I may be just wasting time here but now I am unable to breathe. I will go back home but will carry a lot of them with me. If govt here cannot punish these people or if the employer gets away, I will do the needful.
I have collected enough evidence all these years to get her at least 20 years without bail.
2. And here comes the climax to everyones dismay-- Never got paystubs so far for last 4 years. Whenever the need arises for the paystubs, FAKE paystubs are made.
All the best to all

Would you mention which state are you in? I think you are from NJ becasue depart of labor in NJ are working non-stop in h1b employer salary fraud cases. There is a huge back log so make sure you do complain before your employer ran away and file for bankruptcy. Do not be afraid DOL, NJ started a new section just to hear complaints and reolve issue and punish employers.........
Thanks a lot Girish and middlesex desi
There are few people who can help in bad times.
I have a quick question. Can I still defend my case in court/with INS together with an Immigration Attorney if BCIS might raid the office (which I think will happen now) and confiscate forged documents and fraud people.? Since I have all the documents legal and genuine, will I be able to wash off my name from this company since they are my sponsorers.? I mean its no fault of mine if the company is fraud. Even if I leave the job and stay away from them, Is the closing of company means end of GC process?. I know I should talk to Immigration lawyer but just curious to know if you or anyone can share this information before I take any action.
I am from VA.
1. I would prefer to hold on but the the thing which is hurting is I am not getting paid.
2. Another concern looking at the different posts here is changing job within one year of getting GC.
3. Finding another job is very very difficult now. No one is responding at all. And then even if I manage to change the employer as you mentioned avoid being transfered, then there is a salary difference of $50,000 against the LC. My present salary is $23,000 and I have paid all the taxes for this year since there were no deductions. So ultimately I made 18-19K last year. I need a job of atleast 50-60K (which seems to be next to impossible) if not more to present myself if interviewed. I am in such a bad situation I cannot think of and worse of all no solution.
munnabhai02 .......your employer will not lost 3-4 months.

Reading to what you mentioned about your sponsor employer shows that he will not going to last for 3-4 months. Now if you waited till you get an RFE or interview you can never be able to get paystubs or the money/salary. However, if you complain now to BCSI or labor department what will end up happening they consider you are not lieing and willing to sacrifies your adjustment process but no compromise on unjustification like salary frauds. So, you are better off complaining specially BCSI, Vermont center now and continue working. Start job search and wait for approval or RFE. If your sponsor employer is not there try to find other employer. In case of an RFE they ask latest paystubs that you do not have so you will be in trouble..........