spoke with IIO

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New Member
Spoke with IIO this morning. She said that they were waiting for the visa numbers from the state department.
RD 08/17/2000
ND 09/06/2000
FP 02/24/2001
EB2 - India
Anybody in the same boat.
This is just BS

Quite a few people have been told this. I have rd 8/21. Last time I spoke with an IIO, I was told that the case was not even assigned. On of the previous occasion, They told me the same bs about visa numbers.
No Title

Actually I tried to calling NSC by redailing for 45 min without any success...same many times last week also. guys if you talk anything with IIO, please post !!!!
Case assigned to Officer: Talked to IIO

Really happy to know that our cases are with an Officer.
My wife called this morning from home and got this message from
a lady IIO. Hopefully this is true. I guess all others could have
been assigned too. Please check and post it. Guys, if your spouse
is house wife, ask them to call and then conference u at work.
We are doing this for the last 3 weeks(once a week). Good time to call
is(from our experience and mv\'s too) 11AM and 3 PM CST. Hopefully we all will get approved without RFE soon. Don\'t lose your hope.

a. TWO(2) weeks back IIO told case not assigned and should be soon
b. Last week they told visa NOT available and waiting for it.
c. This week, cases with an Officer. Guess we should hear the good
   news within this week.

So, I believe there is no freeze in files. Check it out...
No Title

I am also hoping on your news GajVar. I could not reach NSC today.
LIN 00-245...

Good Luck.
I sopke with IIOs three times also

1. I was told they were waiting for visa number.

2. I was told my case had not been assigned.

3. I was told my case had not been assigned and was asked to check back in a month or two.
Spoke with ISO Oct 2

He told me that they were behind 3 months with the case. Is this true? He said I would not expect to hear anything for 5-6 months!!!!
Lin 01-03
RD: 10/12/00
ND: 11/9/00

Anyone please tell me what you hear....
No news yet

#: LIN-01-0

RD: 09/25/00
ND: 10/13/00
FP: 03/15/2001
Haven\'t heard anything since then?
ANybody else?
When I called the INS the recorded message says that my case was approved in JAN 2001. What does that mean? I had my FP after that?


Hello I 485 waiters , on this forum I have seen many messages, that IIOs are mentioning that they are waiting for VISA #s from DEPT OF STATE. This is a big CRAP. I have checked with a leading ATTORNEY, as per the STATE DEPT now a days all EMPLOYMENT BASED CATEGORIES ARE CURRENT, that is the reason why we could apply for I485 stage, even now EB3 is CURRENT, and hence every one is applying for I485 once their I 140 gets cleared. SO IIOs are giving us a big CRAP AND MISLEADING US, that our files are not assigned to an Officer for want of VISA #S. If some one speak to IIO s in near future PL CORRECT THEM AND TELL THEM THEY ARE WRONG. AND ALL THE DATES ARE CURRENT WITH DEPT OF STATE, AND SO THE QUESTION OF VISA #S will not arise at all.

Thanks, RAMUKESI (one of the unfortunate I 485 waiter at the mercy of INS, NSC.)
some comments


    Following is my thoughts.

    Yes, the quote is current. the new law past last oct 17 said(if I remember correctly): if the quote is not used in last year, it could be used next fiscal year, so INS shoud report to DEPT of STATE that how many quote number is left for last fiscal year (here 2000-2001). That is why audit is needed and why no approvals during auditing time.

    so I think IIO told the truth.

    Again, above are only my thoughts. any comments?

They are right WHAT?

Come on Jing,they are right about no visa number? Are you enjoying the waiting? Yes,They have to report to state dept. and they are having an audit. Those are all true. But,when it comes to INS saying about no visa number. Ramukesi is perfectly right.